Books Edited:
2018 Beale-Rivaya, Y. & Jason Busic. A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. Brill. Netherlands. 2018.
Journal Issues Edited:
2019 Busic, Jason & Yasmine Beale-Rivaya. “Places of Encounter: Language, Culture, and Religious Identity in Medieval Iberia” E-Humanista. Volume 41
(June 2019). Monographic Issue
2018 Beale-Rivaya, Y. & Antonio Gragera. “Español en Estados Unidos.” Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística. 13 (December-2018). Special themed issue.
Chapters in Books:
2021 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Reenacting historical multilingualism in contemporary Spain.” Multilingual practices from antiquity to the present day. Eds. Aneta Pavlenko & Pia Lane. Under contract.2021.
2018 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Introduction.” A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. Eds. Yasmine Beale-Rivaya & Jason Busic. Brill. (2018). 1-14. R
2018 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Epilogue.” A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. New Readings of Medieval Toledo (ca. 711-1517). Eds. Yasmine Beale-Rivaya & Jason Busic. Brill. (2018). 281-288. R
2018 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Shared Legal Spaces in the Arabic Language Notarial Documents of Toledo.” A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. Eds. Yasmine Beale-Rivaya & Jason Busic. Brill. (2018). 221-237. R
2017 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine & Allison Yakel. “Saving Spanish: Literacy and Spanish Language Maintenance in Central Texas.” Estudios Coloniales e Iberoamericanos. Homenaje a Claudia Parodi. Ed. Angela Helmer. Iberoameriana Vervuet. Madrid. (2017). 245-272. R.
2016 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “At the Crossroads of Languages: The Linguistics Choices along Border Communities of the Reconquista in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries.” Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Communication and Miscommunication in the Premodern World. Ed. Albrecht Classen & Marilyn Sandige. De Gruyter. (2016). 127-144. R
2014 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine,“Ethnic and Linguistic pluralisms in the Arabic Documents of the Cathedral of Huesca in Aragón.”Revisiting Convivencia in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Ed. Connie Scarborough. Juan de la Cuesta. (2014): 387-404. R.
Journal Articles:
2013 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Illness and Disability in Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Notarial Documents in Medieval Toledo.” E-humanista Vol. 23. 2013. pp 371-388.
2012 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “The Written Record as Witness: Language Shift from Arabic to Romance in the Documents of the Mozarabs of Toledo in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” La Corónica 40.2 (Spring 2012): 27-50. R.
2011 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Maintaining a Language of Culture: Medieval Iberian Languages as a model for Spanish in the United States.” American Speech 86.4 (Winter 2011): 415-440. R.
2010 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “The History and Evolution of the Term ‘Mozarab’.” Imago Temporis 4.2 (2010): 51-72. R.
2010 Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “On the Relationship Between Mozarabic Sibilants and Andalusian Seseo.” e-Humanista 14 (2010): 40-62. R.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine. De Toledo a Córdoba: Tathlīth al-Waḥdāniyyah (´La Trinidad de la Unidad´) Fragmentos teológicos de un judeoconverso arabizado. Monferrer-Sala, Pedro and Pedro Mantas-España., Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27/2 (2020), ISSN: 1133-0902. Pp. 167-168.
Beale-Rivaya, Y. Text, Transmission, and Transformation in the
European Middle Ages, 1000–1500. Carrie Griffin, Emer Purcell (eds.), Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27/1 (2020), ISSN: 1133-0902, pp. 184-185.
Beale-Rivaya, Y. To Live like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Olivia Remie Constable. Ed. Robin Rose. La Corónica 47, 2 (2019): 111-114.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Langues médiévales ibériques: Domaines espagnol et portugais. Ed. Stephane Boisselier, Bernard Darbord, Denis Menjot. Speculum, 89/3 (July 2014): 745-746.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Colors Between Two Worlds: The Florentine Codex of Bernardino de Sahagún ed. by Gerhard Wolf and Joseph Connors. Comitatus 44 (2013): 246-248.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Words in Dictionaries and History : Essays in Honour of R.W. McConchie. Ed. Olga Timofeeva and Tanja Saily. Comitatus 43 (2012): 302-303.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Aillet, Cyrille, Mayte Penelas, Philippe Roisse. ¿Existe una identidad mozárabe? Historia, lengua y cultura de los cristianos de al-Andalus (siglos IX-XII). La Corónica 38.2 (2010): 216-220.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, L. P. Harvey. Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614. Comitatus 38 (2007): 233-234.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine John Michael Archer. Old Worlds: Egypt, Southwest, Asia, India, and Russia in Early Modern English Writing. Comitatus 34 (2003): 199-201.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine Ahogo. Al principio. (2018). P.31.
Translations of creative literary works:
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Cuatro Caminos.” Generación Subway 4.Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2016).
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “La historia olvidada de Carboneras.” Donde el mar se hace carbón y otros relatos de Carboneras. Ed. Mario Sanz Cruz. Playa de Ákaba. (2015).
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Primeros pasos para convertirme en Productor de cine.” Generación Subway 1. Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2015).
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Aún el paraíso necesita agua” Generación Subway: Relato Breve. Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2015): 79-86.
Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Las Navidades de Abuela Edith.” Generación Subway: Cuentos de Navidad. Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2015): 51-66.