
My research centers on language contact, change, and borrowing in borderland communities. My main area of focus is evidence and practices of language contact and the contexts of the language practices between Romance and Semitic languages among medieval Iberian communities, especially the Mozarabic (Arabized-Christians) communities, Mudéjars, and Moriscos, living between the Andalusí and Christian frontier from the ninth to the early fourteenth century in Medieval Iberia. I maintain a parallel line of research where I study contact between Spanish and English, and Spanish and Indigenous Languages along borderland areas of the United States and Mexico.


Ph.D. Hispanic Languages and Literatures. UCLA. 2006.

Blog Posts


Books Edited:

2018     Beale-Rivaya, Y.  & Jason Busic. A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. Brill. Netherlands. 2018.


Journal Issues Edited:

2019     Busic, Jason & Yasmine Beale-Rivaya. “Places of Encounter: Language, Culture, and Religious Identity in Medieval Iberia” E-Humanista. Volume 41

                                        (June 2019). Monographic Issue

2018     Beale-Rivaya, Y. & Antonio Gragera. “Español en Estados Unidos.” Revista Iberoamericana de Lingüística. 13 (December-2018). Special themed issue.       



Chapters in Books:

2021      Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Reenacting historical multilingualism in contemporary Spain.” Multilingual practices from antiquity to the present day. Eds. Aneta Pavlenko & Pia Lane. Under contract.2021.

2018       Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Introduction.” A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. Eds. Yasmine Beale-Rivaya & Jason Busic. Brill. (2018). 1-14. R

2018        Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Epilogue.” A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. New Readings of Medieval Toledo (ca. 711-1517). Eds. Yasmine Beale-Rivaya & Jason Busic. Brill. (2018). 281-288. R

2018         Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Shared Legal Spaces in the Arabic Language Notarial Documents of Toledo.” A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. Eds. Yasmine Beale-Rivaya & Jason Busic. Brill. (2018). 221-237. R

2017           Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine & Allison Yakel. “Saving Spanish: Literacy and Spanish Language Maintenance in Central Texas.” Estudios Coloniales e Iberoamericanos. Homenaje a Claudia Parodi. Ed. Angela Helmer. Iberoameriana Vervuet. Madrid. (2017). 245-272. R.

2016            Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “At the Crossroads of Languages: The Linguistics Choices along Border Communities of the Reconquista in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries.” Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Communication and Miscommunication in the Premodern World. Ed. Albrecht Classen & Marilyn Sandige. De Gruyter. (2016). 127-144. R

2014           Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine,“Ethnic and Linguistic pluralisms in the Arabic Documents of the Cathedral of Huesca in Aragón.Revisiting Convivencia in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Ed. Connie Scarborough. Juan de la Cuesta. (2014): 387-404. R.


Journal Articles:

2013        Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Illness and Disability in Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Notarial Documents in Medieval Toledo.” E-humanista Vol. 23. 2013. pp 371-388. 

2012       Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “The Written Record as Witness: Language Shift from Arabic to Romance in the Documents of the Mozarabs of Toledo in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” La Corónica 40.2 (Spring 2012): 27-50. R.

2011    Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Maintaining a Language of Culture: Medieval Iberian Languages as a model for Spanish in the United States.” American Speech 86.4 (Winter 2011): 415-440. R.

2010        Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “The History and Evolution of the Term ‘Mozarab’.” Imago Temporis 4.2 (2010): 51-72. R.

2010      Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “On the Relationship Between Mozarabic Sibilants and Andalusian Seseo.” e-Humanista 14 (2010): 40-62. R.




Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine. De Toledo a Córdoba: Tathlīth al-Waḥdāniyyah (´La Trinidad de la Unidad´) Fragmentos teológicos de un judeoconverso arabizado. Monferrer-Sala, Pedro and Pedro Mantas-España., Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27/2 (2020), ISSN: 1133-0902. Pp. 167-168.

Beale-Rivaya, Y. Text, Transmission, and Transformation in the

European Middle Ages, 1000–1500. Carrie Griffin, Emer Purcell (eds.), Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27/1 (2020), ISSN: 1133-0902, pp. 184-185.


Beale-Rivaya, Y. To Live like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Olivia Remie Constable. Ed. Robin Rose. La Corónica 47, 2 (2019): 111-114.


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Langues médiévales ibériques: Domaines espagnol et portugais. Ed. Stephane Boisselier, Bernard Darbord, Denis Menjot. Speculum, 89/3 (July 2014): 745-746.


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Colors Between Two Worlds: The Florentine Codex of Bernardino de Sahagún ed. by Gerhard Wolf and Joseph Connors. Comitatus 44 (2013): 246-248.


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Words in Dictionaries and History : Essays in Honour of R.W. McConchie. Ed. Olga Timofeeva and Tanja Saily. Comitatus 43 (2012): 302-303.


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, Aillet, Cyrille, Mayte Penelas, Philippe Roisse. ¿Existe una identidad mozárabe? Historia, lengua y cultura de los cristianos de al-Andalus (siglos IX-XII). La Corónica 38.2 (2010): 216-220.


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, L. P. Harvey. Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614. Comitatus 38 (2007): 233-234.


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine John Michael Archer. Old Worlds: Egypt, Southwest, Asia, India, and Russia in Early Modern English Writing. Comitatus 34 (2003): 199-201.




Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine Ahogo. Al principio. (2018). P.31.


Translations of creative literary works:


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Cuatro Caminos.” Generación Subway 4.Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2016).


Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “La historia olvidada de Carboneras.” Donde el mar se hace carbón y otros relatos de Carboneras. Ed. Mario Sanz Cruz. Playa de Ákaba. (2015).

Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Primeros pasos para convertirme en Productor de cine.” Generación Subway 1. Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2015).

Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Aún el paraíso necesita agua” Generación Subway: Relato Breve. Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2015): 79-86.

Beale-Rivaya, Yasmine, “Las Navidades de Abuela Edith.” Generación Subway: Cuentos de Navidad. Eds. Noemí Trujillo and Lorenzo Silva. Playa de Ákaba. (2015): 51-66.



Current projects include

  • Shared Spaces in Medieval Toledo

  • The signaturas in the documents of the Mozarabs of Toledo

  • La General Historia

  • Memory of the Mozarabs in popular culture

Upcoming Talks and Conferences


 “Asimetrías mozárabes: Voces de Toledo frente a silencios de Córdoba” Primeras jornadas de Estudios de Medio Oriente en la FES-Acatlán, UNAM. January 2021.


Modern Language Association. (2006 – Present).

Texas Medieval Association. (2008 – Present).

Medieval Academy of America. (2007 – Present).

South Central Modern Language Association. (2011, 2016, 2018).

AAHRMS. (2009 – 2015).

SCOLAS. (2011, 2014).

PAMLA. (2011).

Medieval Academy of the Pacific. (2007, 2009, 2010).

Linguistic Society of America. (2008).

Yasmine Beale-Rivaya

Profile picture of Yasmine Beale-Rivaya


Active 1 year, 5 months ago