Kate Pond Tchr Cincinnati Pub Schools Commons username: @mskatelit Following 2 members View ProfileActivitySites 0Following 2Followers 1Groups 12ForumsDocs Academic Interests Commons GroupsMLA2021 MLA ConventionGS Folklore, Myth, and Fairy TaleHEP Teaching as a ProfessionLLC 20th- and 21st-Century AmericanLLC African American ForumMLAgradsTC Cognitive and Affect StudiesTC Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and LiteratureTC Religion and LiteratureTM Literary and Cultural TheoryTM Literary CriticismTM The Teaching of Literature Recent Commons Activity joined the group 2021 MLA Convention deposited “Sapience” The (Attempted… in the group TM Literary and Cultural Theo… deposited “Sapience” The (Attempted… in the group TC Psychology, Psychoanalysis… deposited “Sapience” The (Attempted… in the group LLC African American Forum deposited “Sapience” The (Attempted… in the group LLC 20th- and 21st-Century Am… Blog Posts KCWorksThesis or dissertation“Sapience” The (Attempted) Making of a Modern Myth: Storybuilding as a Component of Social Justice (2020)