
Ph.D. English Literature, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010.

M.A. English Literature, Queens College CUNY, 2004.

B.A. English and Dramatic Writing, New York University, 2001.

Blog Posts


“Speak the Speech: Dramatic Blank Verse as a New Medium on the Early Modern English Stage.” New Technologies in Renaissance Studies (series). Vol 3. Ed. Brett Hirsch and Tassie Gnaidy. Series ed. Raymond G. Siemens and William R. Bowen. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies/Iter, 2014.

“’We Confound Knowledge with Knowledge’: Posthumanism and Sensory Encounter in John Webster’s The White Devil.” Cahiers Elisabéthains 80 (Autumn 2011).

“’Nisht kayn Desdemona, nisht kayn Dzulieta’: Yiddish Adaptations of The Merchant of Venice and the Early Modern Father-Daughter Bond.” Borrowers and Lenders 4:2 (Spring/Summer 2010).

Farrah Lehman Den

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Active 1 year, 2 months ago