Executive Committee Members
Carmen Lamas, Jan. 2022
Elena Machado Sáez, Jan. 2023 (2021–Jan. 2022 Ch.)
Marion Christina Rohrleitner, Jan. 2024 (2021–Jan. 2022 Sec.)
Joshua Javier Gúzman, Jan. 2025
Alberto Varon, Jan. 2026
Forum’s Delegate Representative to the MLA Delegate Assembly:
Maritza Cárdenas; 2019-2022
But what, exactly, is an MLA forum supposed to do?
MLA forums—formerly divisions and discussion groups—encompass the scholarly and professional concerns of the association. They promote scholarly and professional activities within their areas of concern. More specifically, we organize sessions at the MLA by generating CFP’s and, often in conjunction with other forums, host a cash bar receptions.
Each forum is governed by an elected executive committee whose five members serve terms of five convention years. A convention year begins after the close of one convention and continues through the close of the next; it is named for the convention that concludes the year.
You may reach any one of the executive committee members at any time via MLACommons.
(With thanks to the Chicana and Chicano Forum for useful description of the Forum’s work.)

Chiricú Journal CFS – Latinx Literature & Politics – Deadline: December 1

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    Amanda M. Smith

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    Vox Latinx: Literature and Politics in the Twenty-first Century

    Amanda M. Smith, Issue Editor

    Alfredo Franco, Creative Editor

    John Nieto-Phillips, Editor

    Deadline: December 1, 2017

    Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures invites scholarly articles and creative work that reexamine Latinx literatures in relation to our current political moment. The resurgence of white supremacist groups, the politics of immigration, and national advocacy by and for DREAMers and the DACAmented bring urgency to the reading, analysis, and teaching of Latinx literature. We welcome submissions that consider how Latinx literary voices from any time period shed light on contemporary U.S. politics. How have Latinx authors responded to vocabularies of inclusion, exclusion, or (be)longing? How have they shaped notions of citizenship, nation, borders, homeland, and identity? In addition to welcoming scholarly work, we encourage creative submissions in the form of short stories, poems, personal essays, visual work (including art & photography), and other mediums that address Latinx realities in the twenty-first century. Submissions may be in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Indigenous languages, or may involve translingual or polyglossal variations (i.e., Spanglish, Portunhol, Caló, etc.).

    Topics may include:

    • Citizenship, political activism, and ARTivism
    • Community, nostalgia, longing, and belonging
    • Multilingual and translingual narratives
    • Translation and untranslatability
    • Borders, migration, and exile
    • Nations and post-nationalism
    • Cultural and literary history
    • Literary and artistic networks
    • Genres, including: poetry, flash fiction, short story, autobiography, young adult fiction, science fiction, autoficción, graphic novels
    • Recovered texts
    • Approaches to teaching Latinx literature

    For questions, contact chiricu@indiana.edu.

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