Executive Committee Members
Carmen Lamas, Jan. 2022
Elena Machado Sáez, Jan. 2023 (2021–Jan. 2022 Ch.)
Marion Christina Rohrleitner, Jan. 2024 (2021–Jan. 2022 Sec.)
Joshua Javier Gúzman, Jan. 2025
Alberto Varon, Jan. 2026
Forum’s Delegate Representative to the MLA Delegate Assembly:
Maritza Cárdenas; 2019-2022
But what, exactly, is an MLA forum supposed to do?
MLA forums—formerly divisions and discussion groups—encompass the scholarly and professional concerns of the association. They promote scholarly and professional activities within their areas of concern. More specifically, we organize sessions at the MLA by generating CFP’s and, often in conjunction with other forums, host a cash bar receptions.
Each forum is governed by an elected executive committee whose five members serve terms of five convention years. A convention year begins after the close of one convention and continues through the close of the next; it is named for the convention that concludes the year.
You may reach any one of the executive committee members at any time via MLACommons.
(With thanks to the Chicana and Chicano Forum for useful description of the Forum’s work.)

CFP Routledge Literary Handbook (Lit. and Class)

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  • #1019174

    Gloria Lee McMillan

    We are creating an invited proposal based upon my performance as a reviewer of another text.
    Essays are to be about 8,000 words each.

    I have a model and this text will be an scholarly companion to literature using the tools of rhetorical or
    cultural studies analysis (possibly other types of analysis). The Companion to Victorian Literature
    is described thus:

    44 articles by top international scholars in the field who are working with the most dynamic and influential political, cultural, and theoretical issues addressing Victorian Literature today. Engaging the current wave of scholarly interest in decentering established frameworks and building historically-sensitive, interdisciplinary approaches, the companion will offer a collection that scholars and students will find both useful and inspiring.

    The framework invites articles that offer new paths into literature. To me, this suggests taking on the
    boundaries and possibilities of aspects of literature, including taking on specific works but from novel
    angles. If anyone is familiar with John Berger\’s landmark art history text Ways of Seeing, he didn\’t
    especially look for new and unknown art by \’Outsiders\’ (that is a genre in contemporary art) to analyze.
    Instead, Berger gave astonishing new perspectives on such familiar works as Rembrandt\’s early and late
    self-portraits. So we can be inside the boundaries looking from a new angle or looking outside canonical
    works at new literary texts and protean tendencies.

    No article in the previous companion text focused upon a single work of a canonical writer, but
    as the editor says, fell into five categories. We can view part of their scheme as just an idea.
    New Directions (10 essays)
    1. Poetry
    2. Short Story
    3. Fiction
    4. Travel writing, Etc.

    Media Histories
    Discursive Theory
    Formulations of Identity
    Expanding Worlds (the essays were from parts of Victoria\’s vast Empire. I think we need to have
    a different focus on conclusion)

    If you have more questions, please ask.



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