Executive Committee Members
Carmen Lamas, Jan. 2022
Elena Machado Sáez, Jan. 2023 (2021–Jan. 2022 Ch.)
Marion Christina Rohrleitner, Jan. 2024 (2021–Jan. 2022 Sec.)
Joshua Javier Gúzman, Jan. 2025
Alberto Varon, Jan. 2026
Forum’s Delegate Representative to the MLA Delegate Assembly:
Maritza Cárdenas; 2019-2022
But what, exactly, is an MLA forum supposed to do?
MLA forums—formerly divisions and discussion groups—encompass the scholarly and professional concerns of the association. They promote scholarly and professional activities within their areas of concern. More specifically, we organize sessions at the MLA by generating CFP’s and, often in conjunction with other forums, host a cash bar receptions.
Each forum is governed by an elected executive committee whose five members serve terms of five convention years. A convention year begins after the close of one convention and continues through the close of the next; it is named for the convention that concludes the year.
You may reach any one of the executive committee members at any time via MLACommons.
(With thanks to the Chicana and Chicano Forum for useful description of the Forum’s work.)

Call for Research collaborators: Materials Science lens for Literary Analysis

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  • #1017038

    Gloria Lee McMillan
    MLA Interdisciplinary Research Colleagues,
     We have been discussing these issues on ResearchGate.

    I will shortly place a call for people who may be interested in \”data mining\” novels in English from mid- or late-19th through 20th C. through a lens of solid waste management. A similar project re-read novels such as Moby Dick through the lens of fuel consumption. Our literary analysis will focus on the question of who dumps upon whom and subjectivities as manifested in distance from processing of waste matter.
    We can use a corpora of texts for this analysis. We can set up Kenneth Burkean word clusters around the motif of trash.
    The issue of solid and liquid waste management (materials science) also shows a light on social class stratification from a perspective of resource usage. The scientist-novelist C. P. Snow said that the separated two cultures of science and the humanities, their faulty communication and marred relationships were a major cause of global problems not being solved.


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