Call for proposals, Late Tudor and Stuart Drama: Readings in Feminist Theories and Histories

Call for Proposals

Late Tudor and Stuart Drama: Readings in Feminist Theories and Histories

This series provides a forum for monographs and essay collections that focus on English drama from the late Tudor to the pre-Restoration Stuart periods (ca. 1550–1650). The editor is interested in intersectional and interdisciplinary feminist perspectives, broadly conceived, and encourages studies that investigate the discursive production of gender, sex, and race in early modern English drama in relation to material, historical, social, cultural, and political structures; that ask questions about justice and ethics, domestic politics, rhetoric, and forms of care; that engage material culture and forms of alterity, transnational encounters, and colonialism; that examine changes to and the effects of law, monarchy, the reformation, rebellion, and the republic on dramatic texts. The series is aimed at the study of early modern drama from theoretical readings that locate new arguments, new ways of thinking, and that also challenge notions of universality. “Late Tudor and Stuart Drama: Readings in Feminist Theories and Histories” welcomes submissions grounded in feminist, presentist, queer, anti-racist, transnational, transhistorical, class, or affect and disability studies.

To submit a proposal, please contact Tyler Cloherty, Acquisitions Editor, at

Series Editor: Cristina León Alfar, Hunter College, CUNY,

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