
Ph.D. in English
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation: Romantic Families: Collaboration and the Domestic Affections
Supervisor: Anne K. Mellor

M.A. in English
University of Toronto

B.A. (Hons.) in English
University of Toronto

J.D. in Law
University of Toronto

Blog Posts



    Interacting with Print: Elements of Reading in the Era of Print Saturation. Co-authored by the Multigraph Collective. University of Chicago Press. 2018.

    The Broadview Introduction to Book History. Co-authored with Tom Mole. Broadview, 2017.

    The Broadview Reader in Book History. Co-edited with Tom Mole. Broadview, 2014.

    Lucy Aikin’s Epistles on Women and other Writing. Co-edited with Anne Mellor. Broadview Press, 2011. Online supplement at

    Family Authorship and Romantic Print Culture. Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the Cultures of Print. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

    Book Chapters

    “The Female Authors of Cadell and Davies,” Women’s Literary Networks and Romanticism: “A Tribe of Authoresses.” Co-authored with Reese Irwin. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2017.

     “Anna Barbauld in Script and Print.” Anna Barbauld: New Perspectives. Ed. William McCarthy. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2014. 59-96.

    “‘The different genius of woman’: Lucy Aikin’s Historiography.” The Dissenting Mind: The Aikin Circle, 1740 -1860. Ed. Felicity James and Ian Inkster. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011. 156-182.

    “Women and Print Culture, 1780-1830,” The History of British Women’s Writing, 1750-1830. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Gen. Ed. Cora Kaplan and Jenny Batchelor. Volume Ed. Jacqueline Labbe. Vol. 5, 29-46.


    Digital Projects in the Romanticism Classroom: A Practical Guide to Student Use of WordPress.” Co-authored with Ashley Morford and Lindsey Seatter. Special issue on “Romanticism and Technology,” Romantic Circles Pedagogies. 2017.

    Fieldwork.” Co-authored with Colette Colligan. Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models and Experiments. MLA Commons. 2017. 

    Introduction.” Co-authored with Colette Colligan and Paul Yoder. Romantic Circles Pedagogy Commons. Special Issue on Study Abroad in the Lake District. Edited by Colette Colligan, Michelle Levy, and Paul Yoder, 2017.

    The Lakes, the Field, and Beyond: Digital Fieldwork Assignments for Humanities Field Schools.” Co-authored with Colette Colligan. Romantic Circles Pedagogy Commons. Special Issue on Study Abroad in the Lake District. 2017.

    Evaluating digital remediations of women’s manuscripts.” Co-authored with Laura Estill. Digital Studies / Le champ numérique Vol. 6. Special Issue on Beyond Accessibility: Textual Studies in the Twenty-First Century. Chapter 12. DOI:

    Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities.” Co-authored with Katrina Anderson, Lindsey Bannister, Janey Dodd, Deanna Fong, and Lindsey Hebb. 2016.10.1 Digital Humanities Quarterly.

    Distantly Reading the Romantic Canon: Quantifying Gender in Contemporary Anthologies.” Co-authored with Mark Perry. Reassessing British Women Writers of the Romantic Period: A Special Issue of Women’s Writing. 22(2) (May 2015): 132-155.

    Teaching Jane Austen’s (Digitized) Manuscripts.” Teaching Austen. Romantic Circles Pedagogy Commons. Ed. Devoney Looser and Emily Friedman. April 2015.

    “Do Women Have a Book History?” Studies in Romanticism. New Directions in Romanticism and Gender: Essays in Honor of Anne K. Mellor. Ed. Noah Comet and Susan Wolfson. 53:3 (Fall 2014): 297-317.

    “Austen’s Manuscripts and the Publicity of Print.” ELH 77.4 (Winter 2010): 1015-1040.


    Review of ‘The William Blake Archive’ (Upgrade).” Co-authored with Kendal Crawford. RIDE 5 (2017). doi: 10.18716/ride.a.7.5

    Review of ‘The William Blake Archive’.” Co-authored with Kendal Crawford. RIDE 5 (2017). doi: 10.18716/ride.a.5.5.

    Review of ‘Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts’.” RIDE 5 (2017). doi: 10.18716/ride.a.5.1.

    Michelle Nancy Levy

    Profile picture of Michelle Nancy Levy


    Active 3 years, 6 months ago