
PhD     Department of Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, June 2021

MPhil  Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2020

MA      Department of Latin American Studies, summa cum laude, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM, 2016

Dissertation: The Latin American Cinema of Disenchantment

MA      Department of English, University of Havana, 2013

BA      Department of Journalism, summa cum laude, University of Havana, 2009

Blog Posts



    2018    El Cine Latinoamericano del Desencanto [The Latin American Cinema of Disenchantment]. Havana: Ediciones ICAIC.

    Edited Volume

    2022    Isla Diseminada. Ensayos sobre Cuba [Disseminated Island. Essays on Cuba]. Planas, Justo, et al., St. Augustine: Editorial Hypermedia.

    Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    2021    “Los Cuentos Fríos de Virgilio Piñera y lo Cubano como Literatura Fecal: Una Lectura de ‘El Álbum’ (1944) y ‘La Cara’ (1956)” [Virgilio Piñera’s Cold Tales and Cubanness as a Fecal Literature]. Hispanic Research Journal 21/4: 394-408.

    2020    “Los Maestros en el Cine Cubano y la Resignificación de una Antigua Marginalidad: Para una lectura sobre De Cierta Manera (Sara Gómez, 1974)” [Teachers in Cuban Cinema and the Resignification of Marginality: A Review of Sara Gómez’s film One Way or Another]. Revista de Antropología Visual 28: 1-12.

    2019    “Federico García Lorca’s The Public, Levinas’s Philosophy and the Question of the Other.” LL Journal 14/2: 1-19.

    2018    “Zequeira sin Sombrero: Para una Revisión de ‘A la Piña,’ de Zequeira” [A Study of Manuel de Zequeira’s Foundational Poem “A la Piña”]. Yzur. Revista de Cultura, Literatura y Creación 1/1: 6-13.

    2017    “Cronos en el Laberinto de lo Unheimlich” [Mexican Film Cronos (Guillermo del Toro) in the Labyrinth of the Unheimlich]. Imagofagia 16: 244-266.

    Justo Planas

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    Active 1 year, 10 months ago