
British literature, modernism, poetics, analytic philosophy, affect theory, global Anglophone literature, science and literature, philosophy and literature, Russian avant-gardes, occultism, mysticism, formalism, book history, print culture, archive studies


PhD, English, 2016
Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory
University of California, Berkeley

BA, English and Russian, 2009
Amherst College

Blog Posts


    “Setting The Waste Land in Order.” Twentieth-Century Literature 67.4 (Winter 2021): 431–454.

    Co-authored with Daniel Williams. “Introduction to Special Issue on Logic and Literary Form.” Poetics Today 41.1 (Spring 2020): 1–36.

    “Absolutism, Relativism, Atomism: The ‘small theories’ of T.S. Eliot.” JML: Journal of Modern Literature 40.2 (Winter 2017): 94–111.

    “Putting a Pineapple Together with Wallace Stevens.” Paideuma 41 (2015): 111–128.

    “Pound Sign.” ELH: English Literary History 81.4 (Winter 2014): 1327–1361.

    “Thomas Hardy’s Timing: Poems and Clocks in Nineteenth-Century England.” Victorian Poetry 52.4 (Winter 2014): 591–618.

    “‘Suppose This Was the Root of Everything’: Stevens and the Imperative to Suppose.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 37.1 (Spring 2013): 70–90.

    Invited essays
    “How Stevens Uses the Grammar of Is.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 39.1 (Spring 2015): 75–83.

    “Survey Review of a Year’s Essays on Stevens: A Quotidian Ecstasy.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 37.2 (Fall 2013): 253–261.

    “Review of Modernist Fiction and Vagueness.” MAKE Literary Magazine (Summer 2016).

    “Review of The Birth of Theory.” MAKE Literary Magazine (Summer 2015).

    “Review of Blake’s Agitation.” MAKE Literary Magazine (Summer 2014).

    Editor (with Daniel Williams, Bard College): “Special Issue on Logic and Literary Form.” Poetics Today 41.1 (Spring 2020).

    Guest Editor: “Aspects of Value: Dossier on Stevens and Philosophy.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 39.1 (Spring 2015).

    Jeffrey Blevins

    Profile picture of Jeffrey Blevins


    Active 5 months, 1 week ago