
Giovanna Gobbi is a Ph.D. student in Hispanic Studies at Brown University. She holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Brazilian Literature, as well as a B.A. in English and Portuguese Studies and a B. Ed. from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). She has been a scholar-in-residence at the Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library since 2019. Her research interests lie primarily in 19th-century Brazilian poetry, 19th-century rhetoric, literary representation of indigenous and Afro-Brazilian characters, foundational discourses, and the history and politics of the Second Brazilian Empire. She was an English major exchange student at Concordia University (Canada) under the CRUB/CREPUQ-USP Program (2001-2002), a Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Award grantee, and a Research Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2018-2019). She created and taught courses in the field of Brazilian Studies, published articles, and presented her research in national and international academic venues. She has teaching experience in the fields of Brazilian Literature, English as a Foreign Language, and Portuguese for Foreigners, aside from editing and revising academic journals, and doing research work in archives.


2022 – pres.    Ph.D student in Hispanic Studies, Brown University

2018 – 2019    Fulbright Visiting Researcher at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2016 – 2021    Ph.D. in Brazilian Literature, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Title: Tamoios, palmarinos, timbiras: indigenous and Afro-descendant representation in Brazilian Romanticism 


2012 – 2015    M.A. in Brazilian Literature, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Title: The painting of the waters: a study on poetic visuals in Paulo Afonso Falls by Castro Alves <http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8149/tde-11032016-160006/pt-br.php&gt;

2005 – 2007   B.A. in Education (English/Portuguese), University of São Paulo, Brazil

1999 – 2004    B.A. in English/Portuguese Languages and Literature, University of São Paulo, Brazil


  • ARAÚJO, Giovanna Gobbi Alves. “O Gênio e a Ilha: uma leitura transcultural de “As Duas Ilhas” de Castro Alves”. Antunes, Susana, editor. Ilhas de vozes em reencontros compartilhados. Massachussets, 2021. (Book Chapter. Forthcoming Spring 2021).

  • ARAÚJO, Giovanna Gobbi Alves. The Paulo Afonso Falls by Castro Alves (1847-1871): interweaving poetry and social imaginaries. Ferstl, Paul, editor. XXI. Congress of the ICLA – Proceedings. Dialogues between Media. vol. 5. De Gruyter, pp. 335-346, December 2020 (Book Chapter): <https://www.degruyter.tools/document/doi/10.1515/9783110642056-026/html&gt;

  • ARAÚJO, Giovanna Gobbi Alves. Acrimônia. Jornal criativo em língua portuguesa O Canto do Mar, vol 3, Spring 2019, p. 7 (Poetry).

  • ARAÚJO, Giovanna Gobbi Alves. Diante dos olhos: a representação enargética da matéria sociopolítica da escravidão n’A Cachoeira de Paulo Afonso, de Castro Alves. Nau Literária, 14.2 (2018): <https://seer.ufrgs.br/NauLiteraria/article/view/77772/50938&gt;. Web. December 2018 (Article).

  • ARAÚJO, Giovanna Gobbi Alves. A poética da totalidade: um estudo da comicidade no drama romântico de Castro Alves. Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 28.1 (2018):  <http://www.periodicos.letras.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/12929/11088&gt;. Web. 08 April 2018 (Article).

  • ARAÚJO, Giovanna Gobbi Alves. Olhar em curso. Opiniães: revista dos alunos de literatura brasileira. 10 (2017): 194-197. Web. 4 April 2018. <http://www.revistas.usp.br/opiniaes/article/view/133559&gt; (Translation of Langston Hughes poems to Portuguese).


Member of the Modern Languages Association (MLA)

Former editor and member of editorial board at Opiniães: revista dos alunos de literatura brasileira (Brazilian literature student journal – University of Sao Paulo)

Giovanna Gobbi Alves Araújo

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Active 1 year, 10 months ago