Diana Taylor Prof Performance Studies & Span New York U Commons username: @dt101562 Following 3 members View ProfileActivitySites 2Following 3Followers 7Groups 7ForumsDocs Academic InterestsAmerican studiesDigital humanitiesHemispheric studiesLatin AmericaLatin American studiesMemory studiesPerformancePerformance and politics Commons GroupsMLACLCS Hemispheric AmericanGS Drama and PerformanceInterdisciplinary Approaches to Culture and SocietyLLC 16th- and 17th-Century Spanish and Iberian DramaLLC Chicana and ChicanoLLC Colonial Latin AmericanTC Anthropology and Literature Recent Commons Activity wrote a new post, When the Resolution Causes th…, on the site From the President wrote a new post, Becoming WE, on the site From the President wrote a new post, Inside/Outside: Un-disciplini…, on the site From the President commented on the post, Reminder to Comment on MLA Gr…, on the site News from the MLA changed their profile picture AboutPerformance and PoliticsDigital HumanitiesLatin American StudiesHemispheric StudiesMemory StudiesSpectatorship Blog Posts When the Resolution Causes the Breach (From the President, 2017-11-15) Becoming WE (From the President, 2017-04-19) Inside/Outside: Un-disciplining Disciplines (From the President, 2017-02-17)