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- Making Space for Student Encounters with Texts This is Cristy Bruns' paper from Session 67 at MLA 2013.
- Donna Pasternak See below re: Session 67 MLA 2013
- Donna Pasternak See below re: Session 67 MLA 2013
- Donna Pasternak The audience members at 2013 MLA Session 67: Teaching Literature from a Student Centered Approach, sponsored by the Division of Teaching Literature, requested that the panelists upload their handouts and papers to the web. Many of the audience were turned away, because the crowd overflowed into the hallways and deemed a safety hazard by convention center security. MLA staff then moved us into a larger room. I hope that our conversation continues in this venue. If you have any questions or considerations, please contact me, Donna Pasternak, at Papers Patricia Howell Michaelson, U of Texas, Dallas. "Literature from the Left Side of the Brain" Phoebe S. Jackson, Williams Paterson U. "Teaching Literature in the Decentered Classroom: The Online Experience." Cristina V. Bruns, Chapman U. "Making Space for Students Encounters with Texts."