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CFP: Can Language Shift be Reversed? Insights from and for Galician

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  • #1016427

    Gabriel Rei-Doval

    Call For Papers
    Can Language Shift be Reversed? Insights from and for Galician
    (Guaranteed Session, MLA Convention, Chicago, 3-6 January, 2019)

    On the 35th Anniversary of the Galician Language Bill “Lei de  normalización lingüística” (1983), it is time for Galician and international scholars to re-assess the process of language planning undertaken in contemporary Galicia. This assessment will also help evaluate and answer Fishman’s question (1991, 2001), apud Rubin & Jernudd 1971, on if and how minority languages can be revitalized when in contact with languages of wider communication.

    At the Modern Language Association’s 2019 convention in Chicago (January 3-6, 2019), the Galician Language, Literature and Culture Forum would like to celebrate and debate on language revitalization and normalización with a panel addressing the question: Can language shift be reversed? We invite proposals for 15- to 20-minute talks on topics including but not limited to:
    >How the social situation of Galician fits into Fishman’s 1991 Reversing Language Shift paradigm (RSL);
    >What contemporary findings on language revitalization can help the Galician language planning process;
    >How can the Galician perspective dialogue with different language revitalization models;
    >Interactions between top-down and bottom-up approaches to the Galician language “normalization”

    Please submit 250-word abstracts (in English) and a brief bio to Gabriel Rei-Doval ( by 15 March 2018.

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