Invitation to apply: New editor(s) for Latin American Literary Review
Call for applications to edit the Latin American Literary Review
Applications are invited for the position of editor(s)-in-chief of the Latin American Literary Review (LALR), a well-established literary journal with a fifty-year history of excellence in publishing original scholarship, key translations, and important creative work.
LALR publishes original research on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latina/Latino/Latinx studies twice a year in an online-only open-access format. The journal reviews and publishes papers in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. All papers are subject to double-blind peer review. LALRhas been in continuous publication since 1972.
Manuscript selection duties will begin on September 1, 2023, and the first issue to appear under the name(s) of the newly appointed editor(s) will be volume 51, no. 102 (Spring 2024).
• Candidates must hold (a) tenured position(s) in an academic institution.
• The editorial board especially welcomes applications for co-editorship, and would highly favor proposals that include co-editors from more than one country. Scholars working in Latin America are especially encouraged to apply.
In accordance the journal’s mission to publish high-quality scholarship, the following basic criteria will be considered in selecting the LALR editor:
1. An established record of scholarship;
2. Experience with and understanding of the wide variety of activities associated with journal editorship, including submissions, reviewing, and relations with editorial boards;
3. Strong familiarity with the present state of LALR, its strengths and challenges, and a vision for its future;
4. Openness to the different methods, themes, theories, and approaches to the field; and
5. A record of responsible service to scholarly publishing and evidence of organizational skill and intellectual leadership.
Please send inquiries or applications to Debra Castillo, Editor, LALR,
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