
DPhil, English Literature, University of Sussex

MA, English Literature, University of Ottawa

BA (Hons), English Literature, University of Ottawa

Blog Posts


    “Penguin Parables: Picturebooks, Interspecies Companionship, and Ecoliteracy.” Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature 62.1 (2024): 32-40. Project Muse.

    “S is for Salmon: Picture Books, Ecoliteracy, and Environmental Crisis.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment 29.4 (2022): 1055–1075. Oxford Academic.

    Rev. of Indians in Victorian Children’s Narratives: Animalizing the Native, 1830-1930 by Shilpa Bhat Daithota. Ariel 50.1 (2019): 174-176. Project Muse.

    “‘A Matter of Style’: Form, Colour, and Sound in Oscar Wilde’s Poetic Impressions.” Victorian Review 43.2 (2017): 287-306. Project Muse.

    “‘Information and Inspiration’: Wangari Maathai, the Green Belt Movement and Children’s Eco-Literature.” International Research in Children’s Literature 9.1 (2016): 20-34. Edinburgh University Press.

    “Multiculturalism, Psychogeography, and Brian Doyle’s Angel Square: ‘A Dangerous Square to Cross.’” Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 8.1 (2016): 42-65. Project Muse.

    “Dresses Make the Girl: Gender and Identity from The Hundred Dresses to 10,000 Dresses.” Children’s Literature in Education 46.4 (2015): 410-423. Springer.

    “‘We Are All One’: Money, Magic, and Mysticism in Mary Poppins.”  Little Red Readings: Historical Materialist Approaches to Children’s Literature. Ed. Angela Hubler. University Press of Mississippi, 2014. 75-93. Project Muse.

    “‘The Grand Event for Which They Are Born’: Life, Death, and Eternity in the Poetry of Ann and Jane Taylor.” Journal of Children’s Literature Studies 4.3 (2007): 64-91. Humanities Commons, Rpt. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Vol. 279. Ed. L.J. Trudeau. Gale, 2014. 299-311.

    “Fresh Fields of Endeavor: Short Stories and Nursery Rhymes.” Rpt. from Christina Rossetti Revisited, 1996. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Vol. 186. Eds. R. Whitaker and K.D. Darrow. Gale, 2007. 229-245.

    “‘A Double Assault’: The Victimization of Native Women and Children in In Search of April Raintree.” Mosaic 31.2 (2006): 37-55. JSTOR.

    “‘What Is the Proper Word for People Like You?’: The Question of Métis Identity in In Search of April Raintree.” English Studies in Canada 32.4 (2006): 75-100. Project Muse.

    “‘A Man in a World of Men’: The Rough, the Tough, and the Tender in Robert W. Service’s Songs of a Sourdough.” Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne 30.1 (2005):  34-57. Érudit.

    “‘The Only Good Indian’: History, Race and Representation in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 27.4 (2003): 191-202. Project Muse.

    “The Good Mother: Language, Gender, and Power in Ann and Jane Taylor’s Poetry for Children.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 27.1 (2002): 4-15. Project Muse.

    “Looking ‘Past Wordsworth and the Rest’: Pretexts for Revision in Alice Meynell’s ‘The Shepherdess.’” Victorian Poetry 38.1 (2000): 35 – 48. JSTOR.

    Christina Rossetti Revisited. Twayne Publishers, 1996.

    “‘Medicated Music’: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese.” Victorian Literature and Culture 23 (1995): 193-213. Humanities Commons,

    “Sincere Doubt, Doubtful Sincerity, and Sonnets from the Portuguese 37.” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 8.4 (1995): 18-23.

    “Sound, Sense, and Structure in Christina Rossetti’s Sing Song.” Children’s Literature 22 (1994): 3-26. Project Muse. Rpt. Children’s Literature Review. Vol. 115. Ed. T. Burns. Thomson Gale, 2006. 145-156.

    “Feminism, Pacifism, and the Ethics of War: The Politics and Poetics of Alice Meynell’s War Verse.” English Literature in Transition: 1880-1920 36.2 (1993): 159–77. Project Muse. Rpt. Poetry Criticism. Vol. 112. Ed. M. Lee. Gale, 2011. 171-180.

    “Women’s Enfranchisement in Christina Rossetti’s Poetry.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 34.4 (1992): 568-88. JSTOR.

    “A Breach of Faith: D.G. Rossetti’s ‘Ave,’ Art-Catholicism, and Poems, 1870.” Victorian Poetry 30.1 (1992): 63-74. JSTOR.

    “‘A Form that Differences’: Vocational Metaphors in the Poetry of Christina Rossetti and G.M. Hopkins.” Victorian Poetry 29.2 (1991): 161-73. JSTOR.

    Sharon Smulders

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