Ralph Edward Rodriguez Professor, American Studies & English Brown U Commons username: @ralphrod Twitter handle: ralphrod13 vivo.brown.edu/display/rrodrigu Following 6 members View ProfileActivitySites 0Following 6Followers 9Groups 11ForumsDocs Academic InterestsCritical race theoryCultureLatina/o literatureLiteratureRaceTheory Commons GroupsMLAGS Prose FictionInterdisciplinary Approaches to Culture and SocietyLLC 20th- and 21st-Century AmericanLLC 20th- and 21st-Century Latin AmericanLLC African American ForumLLC Asian AmericanLLC Chicana and ChicanoLLC Cuban and Cuban DiasporicLLC Puerto RicanTC Race and Ethnicity StudiesTM Literary Criticism Recent Commons ActivityRalph E. Rodriguez replied to the topic CFPs in the forum Chicana/o Lit Division Execu… Ralph E. Rodriguez replied to the topic CFP responses in the forum Chicana/o Lit Division Execu… Ralph E. Rodriguez and Jacqueline D. Wernimont are now contacts. AboutI’m interested in critical race theory, Latina/o literature, contemporary culture, and theories of the self. Blog Posts