University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Bruce W. Robbins - "As many of you will have heard, Resolution 2014-1 got 60% of the votes cast but did not reach the minimum of 10% of the total membership required (by a recent rule) in order to be officially adopted. Thank you to […]"ViewColumbia U
U of North Carolina
Jesse Stommel - "The Collective Weight of Contingency. A post for the MLA Commons Convention blog: http://convention.mla.hcommons.org/2013/12/02/the-collective-weight-of-contingency/"ViewU of Mary Washington
Slippery Rock U
Lisa Hager - "The BWWA is on MLA Commons! http://mla.hcommons.org/groups/18th-and-19th-century-british-women-writers-association/"ViewU of Wisconsin Colleges
Devoney Looser - "“What’s Next for Jane Austen?” Janine Barchas and I welcome 250-500 word proposals (by 1 March) that promise complete essays in March 2019, for a special issue on the topic to be published by Texas Studies in […]"ViewArizona State University
George H. Williams - "“Why Inaccessibility is the Norm in Higher Ed” http://ow.ly/gQ3HA"ViewU of South Carolina Upstate
Skidmore C
Laura C. Mandell - "@laura_runge testing this functionality"ViewTexas A&M U
North Carolina SU
Kathleen Fitzpatrick - "I’m wondering how the Commons might make use of this kind of micro-blogging: small posts that enable a user to think out loud about the issues they’re working on or things they’re wondering about. Perhaps we could […]"ViewMichigan State University
Jason Mittell - "My paper from MLA13, “Haunted by Seriality: The Formal Uncanny of Mulholland Drive” is up on my blog: http://justtv.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/haunted-by-seriality-the-formal-uncanny-of-mulholland-drive/"ViewMiddlebury C
Matthew Kirschenbaum - "My #s353 paper, “Distant Mirrors and the LAMP,” is now online here as promised. Slides available upon request. Comments welcome."ViewUniversity of Maryland
Elizabeth Cornell - "My latest blog post on HASTAC: http://hastac.org/blogs/ecornell1/2013/01/01/student-led-discussion-classroom is about having students lead discussions in the classroom."ViewFordham U
U of Colorado
Mark Sample - "It looks like there are at least four e-lit oriented CFPs for MLA14, including mine: Electronic Literature after Flash. http://www.mla.org/cfp_detail_6103"ViewDavidson C
Moacir P. de Sá Pereira - "I’ve posted some background on my cfp for MLA15, “Geocritical explorations within the text”: http://t.co/sDqayNcLRD Abstracts are due in a week!"ViewNew York U
Roger Whitson - "My recent post on Reading Wordsworth and Spinoza in Difficult Times is up on my blog: http://www.rogerwhitson.net/?p=3556"ViewWashington SU
Laura L. Runge - "I am wondering how many early modern open-access online journals now exist. As the editor for ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830, I’d like to know what other journals participate in this […]"ViewU of South Florida