The Fine Foundation
Rosemary G. Feal - "Going to the MLA Convention? Please come to hear queer Cuban-American writer and translator Achy Obejas in Session 298 , “Endlessly Cuban: A Discussion on the Work of Achy Obejas with the Author” and Session 473 […]"ViewHarvard U
U of Guelph
Benjamin Fraser - "Call for assistant editors: Journal of Urban Cultural Studies CALL FOR ASSISTANT EDITORS (2017 & 2018) APPLICATION DEADLINE IS 20 NOVEMBER 2016 The Journal of Urban Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed […]"ViewEast Carolina U
Florida State University/University of St Andrews (UK)
Belinda Wheeler - "I would like to thank my academic colleagues who supported me during MLA’s recent election period. I’m happy to announce that I was elected to MLA’s Delegate Assembly (Ethnic Studies). It is three year term that […]"ViewClaflin U
Frieda Ekotto - "Wow, just tried this for the first time. I am getting ready to read for our Committee. I will get there…"ViewU of Michigan
U of York
American Univ of Sharjah
David Laurence - "A 14 May post on The Trend reviews historical trends in time to degree for PhDs in the humanities compared with other disciplines, 1960 to 2012."ViewMLA
Nicky Agate - "So happy to see all the new members joining us from across the humanities!"ViewCarnegie Mellon University