Jesse Alemán is a professor of English and the Director of Literature at the University of New Mexico, where he teaches nineteenth-century American and U.S. Latina/o literary and cultural histories. He also offers classes on the C19 American gothic; southwestern literature and film; and Chicana/o horror. He holds the title of Presidential Teaching Fellow, a distinction awarded for his critical pedagogy at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Education
PhD, English, University of Kansas
MA, English, CSU, Fresno Publications
The Woman in Battle: The Civil War Narrative of Loreta Janeta Velazquez, Cuban Woman and Confederate Soldier (U of Wisconsin P)
Empire and the Literature of Sensation (co-edited with Shelley Streeby) (Rutgers UP)
The Latino Nineteenth Century (co-edited with Rodrigo Lazo) (NYUP) Projects
U.S. Hispanic Writings about the American Civil War
Chicana/o Horror in Fiction and Film
Race and Realism (co-edited special issue of American Literary Realism) Upcoming Talks and Conferences
Denver after Dark: Vampirism, PTSD, and Chicano/a Horror in the Felix Gomez Mystery Series, American Studies Association, Denver, November 2016.
Latino/a Rebels: Confederate Secession, Cuban Rebellion, and U.S. Latino/a Revolutionaries, MLA, Philadelphia, Jan. 2017.
The Latino Gettysburg: Remapping the Civil War’s Frontlines. MLA, Philadelphia, Jan. 2017. Memberships