
I work at the intersection of cultural studies and media theory, with particular focus on histories of materiality and negotiations between technology and literature (German and comparative, 18th-early 20th c.). 


M.A., Department of Gender Studies. Central European University

Ph.D, Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. University of Pennsylvania

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    Selected Publications


    Iurascu, Ilinca, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young and Michael Wutz, eds. Operation Valhalla: Writings on War, Weapons and Media. Duke University Press. Duke UP, 2021.

    Iurascu, Ilinca, ed. “The Media Histories of Girls in Uniform.” (in collab. with Gaby Pailer and Franziska Schößler). Special issue of Seminar. A Journal of Germanic Studies. 55.2 (2019).

    Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, Ilinca Iurascu and Jussi Parikka. “Cultural Techniques.” Special issue of Theory, Culture & Society. 30.6 (2013).


    Papierdenken: Blasche, Fröbel and the Lessons of Nineteenth-Century Paper Modeling.” Goethe Yearbook 28 (2021).

    “Paper Matters: Vielschreiberei and Bookkeeping in Kotzebue’s ‘Das Buch Papier.’” Seminar. A Journal of Germanic Studies. 53.4 (2017).

    Annoncenliteratur: Kleist, Fontane and the Rustle of Paper.” Oxford German Studies. 43.3. (2014)

    Ilinca Iurascu

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    Active 3 years, 9 months ago