Kyle Pivetti started the topic Self-Nominations for Renaissance and Early Modern Forum Executive Committee in the forum CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 1 week, 3 days ago
We invite self-nominations for appointment to the Executive Committee of the CLCS Renaissance/Early Modern forum. We appoint one new member annually for a five-year term. Our primary responsibility is to organize panels and roundtables for the MLA convention; we have two guaranteed panels per year.
1. Only current MLA members are…[Read more]
Louise Geddes deposited ‘And we will ship him hence’: The case for Shakespeare Fan Studies in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 3 months, 3 weeks ago
This chapter argues that
by including fan studies as part of appropriation theory scholarship can account for
this conversation, manifest in likes, re-posts and experimental fan work. Because of
the interplay between creator and audience, the focus of appropriative study shifts
from the end product, the new Shakespeare iteration, to the fan…[Read more] -
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited “Screens as Anthropomorphic Interfaces: How AI Changes Shakespearean Theatrical Publics,” Shakespeare Bulletin 41.4 (Winter 2023): 529-553 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 4 months ago
Whom does the screen interface serve, and how do artificial intelligence (AI) tools affect theatrical publics across both the playing space and the playgoing space? Screens are a site where cultural and performative meanings are generated and negotiated. This article draws on interface theories to analyze the roles of screens in regulating…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited Enhancing the Trustworthiness of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Responsive Pedagogy in the Context of Humanities Higher Education in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 4 months ago
How do we enhance the trustworthiness of generative artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool to foster students’ curiosity to learn about humanities subjects in higher education? This study analyzes what conversational AI tools can realistically accomplish in the humanities higher education context and what the substantive, rather than hyped, c…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited “Encountering global Shakespeare in Yemen, Kuwait and China,” in Contemporary Readings in Global Performances of Shakespeare, ed. Alexa Alice Joubin (Arden Bloomsbury, 2024), pp. 285-294 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 4 months ago
This chapter consists of Alexa Alice Joubin’s interview of a scholar and educator who has practiced global Shakespeare around the globe. Katherine Hennessey has had the unique experiences and privilege of teaching Shakespeare in Yemen, Kuwait, China, and elsewhere. She has lived and worked in eight very different countries over the past fifteen…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited Contemporary Readings in Global Performances of Shakespeare, ed. Alexa Alice Joubin. London: Arden Bloomsbury, 2024 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 4 months, 1 week ago
Focusing on the modern period, this book employs a site-specific lens to examine global performances of Shakespeare onstage and onscreen. Heterotopia and thick description as methodologies help us capture, rather than flatten, cultural spaces and their dynamic interplay. The global is a set of geographical and cultural sites created by artistic…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited AI and the Humanities, a Course by Alexa Alice Joubin in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence is a feminist issue, and technologies often have colonial implications. In fact, technologies as disruptive agents are inherently queer. This course examines the long history of technologies leading up to the public release of ChatGPT. We will chart the Western societies’ apprehension of and faith in, as the case may be, t…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited The Shakespearean International Yearbook: Disability Performance and Global Shakespeare. General Editor: Alexa Alice Joubin; Co-editor: Natalia Khomenko; Guest Editor: Katherine Schaap Williams. Routledge, 2024 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 8 months, 3 weeks ago
The fields of critical disability studies and global Shakespeare have a great deal to say to each other, which is why we are creating this opportunity for an interdisciplinary dialogue and reflection.
This year’s Shakespearean International Yearbook focuses on the theme of global disability performances of Shakespeare. Curated by K…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited “Performativity and Trans Literature,” in The Routledge Handbook of Trans Literature, ed. Douglas A. Vakoch and Sabine Sharp (2024), pp. 29-39 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Performativity—how language and nonverbal communication tacitly or overtly affects social actions—is the core of all utterances and imaginative literature. Building on J. L. Austin’s speech act theory, Judith Butler has developed, since the 1990s, a theory of gender performativity. It has been widely appropriated as a critical tool to under…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited Global Shakespeare as Heterotopia, Lecture at University of Oxford and Georgetown University, February 26, 2024 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 11 months, 1 week ago
Global Shakespeare as Heterotopia by Alexa Alice Joubin. Lecture video now available on YouTube, https://youtu.be/R8mbUd_mHjQ Drawing on her forthcoming book, Contemporary Readings in Global Performances of Shakespeare (Bloomsbury, 2024), Alexa Alice Joubin examines cultural encounters with Shakespeare’s plays as heterotopia, a set of parallel s…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited CBC Podcast: Liberate Your Mind – Exploring Sex and Gender in Shakespeare, February 20, 2024 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 11 months, 1 week ago
Full podcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/dNhxFiaoIGM This is a CBC Radio podcast on gender roles in Twelfth Night, Troilus and Cressida, and Taming of the Shrew, recorded live at Stratford Festival, Ontario, Canada. “Liberate your mind, said English professor Alexa Alice Joubin, urging us to embrace the Bard’s open-endedness to ambiguity in…[Read more]
Carmen Nocentelli deposited CFP: EARLY MODERN SOCIAL MEDIA (MLA 2025) in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 11 months, 3 weeks ago
The MLA Forum on Seventeenth-Century English Studies (LLC 17th-Century English) invites submissions for a guaranteed session on “Early Modern Social Media.” We are particularly interested in research that addresses the power of both established and emerging media—ballads, pamphlets, newsletters, pasquinades, and so forth—to amplify the gravity…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited “Trans Studies at the Crossroad: From Racialized Invisibility to Gendered Legibility,” The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race, ed. Patricia Akhimie (Oxford University Press, 2024), pp. 195-211. in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Premodern critical race studies, long intertwined with Shakespeare studies, have broadened our understanding of the definitions and discourse of race and racism to include not only phenotype, but also religious and political identity, regional, national, and linguistic difference, and systems of differentiation based upon culture and custom. This…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited AI, Theater, and Interface Theory, keynote at Imaging Across Time: Wenshan International Conference, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, November 18, 2023 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 11 months, 4 weeks ago
What happens when AI goes to theatre with human audiences? Generative AI’s natural-language conversational interface has frequently been cast as an anthropomorphic interface. In performance, digital screen as interface has evolved from a vehicle for dramatic messages to a meaning-making agent with an anthropomorphic presence. While the tendency to…[Read more]
Corinne NOIROT started the topic MLA 2025 New Orleans – Calls for papers in the discussion CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 12 months ago
Seeing, Watching, Looking in Sixteenth Century France (1480-1630) Beyond eyewitness testimony, how do writers and characters see, watch, look at things and beings in the 16th century? With what implications regarding representation, cognition, relationality, or agency? Genre differences? 250-word abstract and short CV by 15 March 2020. (Contact:…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited “Open and Intersectional Pedagogy: Teaching the Early Modern with Generative Artificial Intelligence,” MLA, Philadelphia, January 6, 2024 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 1 year ago
What a piece of theatre work is AI. Since AI outputs can be seen as a theatrical performance, in her 10-minute paper at the MLA, Alexa Alice Joubin argued that we can teach critical questioning skills using generative AI. She demonstrated responsible and creative ways to teach students meta-cognition, using Shakespeare and early modern studies as…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited “Open and Intersectional Pedagogy: Teaching the Early Modern with Generative Artificial Intelligence,” MLA convention, Philadelphia, January 6, 2024 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 1 year ago
What a piece of theatre work is AI Since AI outputs can be seen as a theatrical performance, in her 10-minute paper at the MLA, Alexa Alice Joubin argued that we can teach critical questioning skills using generative AI. She demonstrated responsible and creative ways to teach students meta-cognition, using Shakespeare and early modern studies as…[Read more]
Alexa Alice Joubin deposited Review of #SuchStuff Podcast by the London Globe, Early Modern Digital Review 6.2 (2023): 149-153 in the group CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 1 year ago
Educational podcasts have gained momentum in recent years. Closure of live performance venues and widespread lockdowns as part of public hygiene measures during the global COVID-19 pandemic further increased interest in at-home consumption of digitally delivered content for entertainment and education. Supported by the Globe Theatre’s education d…[Read more]
Corinne NOIROT started the topic NOMINATE YOURSELF OR OTHERS by 01/25 (2026-2030 Forum Executive Committee term) in the discussion CLCS Renaissance and Early Modern on MLA Commons 1 year ago
The LLC 16TH CENTURY FRENCH Forum is seeking self-nominations to fill the next open seat on the Executive Committee, for convention years 2026-2030.
This appointment implies a 5-year commitment. The Executive Committee mostly works remotely. MLA Convention attendance in at least 3 of the 5 years served is expected. You would effectively start…[Read more]
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