MLA 2018: Call for Proposals: Advanced-level Second Language Composition

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  • #1013082

    Lee B. Abraham

    Dear Colleagues:

    The Executive Committee of the MLA Forum on Applied Linguistics invites you to submit presentation proposals for the 2018 convention in New York City (4 to 7 January).

    We invite abstracts for research that examines and provides data on advanced-level writing proficiency development; for example: the role and importance of writing in the language major or the impact of online tools on writing development. Send a 250-word abstract to Per Urlaub ( by March 1, 2017.

    Please share with any interested colleagues.

    You must be a current (paid) MLA member by 7 April 2017 to participate in the 2018 convention.

    (with apologies for cross-posting)

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