269. Selected Topics in Applied Linguistics: How to Choose a Theory
Friday, 6 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., 409, Philadelphia Marriott
Program arranged by the forum LSL Applied Linguistics
Presiding: Lee B. Abraham, Columbia University
1. \”Applying Theories in Language Programs,\” Mary Wildner-Bassett, University of Arizona
2. \”Sociocultural Theory and Language Programs,\” James P. Lantolf, Penn State University, University Park
Responding: Elizabeth Bernhardt, Stanford University
721. Second-Language Studies and the Digital Humanities
Sunday, 8 January, 10:15–11:30 a.m., 303, Philadelphia Marriott
Program arranged by the forum LSL Applied Linguistics
Presiding: Mary Wildner-Bassett, University of Arizona
1. \”L2 Learners, Composition, and the Digital Arms Race,\” Melissa Schindler, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
2. \”Click to Connect: Reforming SLA Theories with a Digital Spin,\” Christine Poteau, Rowan University
3. \”Digital Humanities and Study Abroad: Developing a Sense of Place through Digital Mapmaking,\” Eva Dessein, University of Texas, Austin; Per Urlaub, University of Texas, Austin