Diasporic Italy: Journal of the Italian American Studies Association

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    Ryan Calabretta-Sajder

    Please see the announcement and call for papers for Diasporic Italy.

    Diasporic Italy: Journal of the Italian American Studies AssociationInaugural Volume (2021) – Call for Papers Description:Diasporic Italy is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the interdisciplinary study of Italian American / Diaspora studies, focusing on timely and varied approaches to the criticism and analysis of the field by exploring new perspectives on issues of diversity, gender, race, sexuality, and transnationalism. It is the official publication of the Italian American Studies Association (IASA)  published by the University of Illinois Press.Unique from other journals in the field, Diasporic Italy not only seeks to publish pieces in literature, cinema and media studies, history, art history, ethnic studies, migration studies, and political science but also original works in sociology, psychology, theology, sexuality studies, women and gender studies, pedagogy, and translation. Currently, we will publish one volume annually in October. The inaugural issue forthcoming in 2021. We will not review books or media. Call for Papers:Diasporic Italy welcomes original, unpublished articles revolving around any aspect of the Italian diaspora. As the official publication of an Association of scholars, teachers, and creative writers, the journal seeks works open to various scholarly methods and/or theoretical perspectives. Diasporic Italy aims to further the discourses on defining the Italian Diaspora and studying the cultural material(s) related to such an undertaking. The journal will consider theoretically sophisticated pieces ranging from cultural studies, history, popular culture; discourses of class, ethnicity, gender, race, sexuality, and subalternity; film and queer theory. All scholars are invited to submit an essay for review to the journal, but only current members of IASA may publish articles in Diasporic Italy; therefore, if one’s submission is accepted, one will be required to join.  Deadline for the inaugural volume: December 1, 2020.  For more information about Diasporic Italy: https://www.italianamericanstudies.net/cpages/annualTo submit an article: https://ojs-iasa.press.uillinois.edu/index.php/iasa  Submission GuidelinesAuthors wishing to have an article manuscript considered for publication should submit the following three items in Microsoft Word format as attachments through the University of Illinois Press Journal Submission management system:

    1. a copy of the manuscript without any identification of the author, i.e., no title page, no header
    2. an article abstract
    3. a brief bio (50 words maximum) should accompany the mss. in a separate attachment

    Illustrations, figures, tables, and maps should be included, preferably embedded at the end of the manuscript; however, you do not need to obtain permissions or high-quality versions at this point. The manuscript should contain references to the figures (e.g., “insert Figure 1 about here”), and a list of figure captions should be listed as a separate page. Discussion of the placement and inclusion will follow the article’s acceptance.Articles should generally be no more than twenty pages (6000 words) long, double-spaced with font in 12 point Times New Roman, not including bibliography and endnotes in a Word file. (Original article manuscripts and their subsequent revisions should not exceed 7,500 words, including endnotes, words cited, and any appendix materials.Diasporic Italy follows the 17th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017). The journal uses the Chicago Style author-date system for citations, with authors’ full names included in the Works Cited list.For example: In-text citation: (Lahiri 2016, 146)Bibliography entry:  Lahiri, Jhumpa. In Other Words. Translated by Ann Goldstein. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2016.

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