Welcome to the DLS Anthology group, a space for those interested and engaged in topics pertinent to the scope of Literary Studies in the Digital Age: An Evolving Anthology (dlsanthology.commons.mla.org).

We invite readers to use the group’s “Docs” feature (located in the sidebar at the left) to upload submissions to be considered for the online collection. Readers are also invited to participate in open peer review of submissions and to discuss the volume and the field in general. Drafts uploaded to this site will become part of the collection’s expanding archive: authors should feel free to amend them and write back to commenters at any time. Essays deemed to be of high quality and of interest to a sufficient number of people will be chosen for inclusion in subsequent evolutions of the Literary Studies in the Digital Age collection: with the author’s permission, a selected essay will be copyedited and added to the collection. (Authors are free to submit their essays elsewhere for publication at any time, but please be advised that the draft uploaded to MLA Commons will remain part of the collection’s public archive.)

Announcing CFPs

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  • #9175

    Dene M. Grigar

    Ray Siemens, Liz Lorang, Kenneth Price and I are excited to announce the Call for Papers for  Literary Studies in the Digital Age: An Evolving Anthology, the MLA’s first born-digital, publicly available anthology.

    Essays on all topics in digital literary studies are welcome, particularly those not yet represented in the volume, including but not limited to pedagogy, new literary forms, gaming, the academy, politics of digitization and information structures, and preservation and canonicity.

    Please submit full papers by 15 June 2016 to the editors at lsda.editors@gmail.com. Submissions should follow MLA style as set out in the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook. The editors will evaluate submissions and choose the most promising essays to be posted on the site as drafts for open review. Authors will then be asked to revise in the light of reviewers’ comments, with the goal of eventually publishing the revised essays in the online anthology.

    Visit https://dlsanthology.mla.hcommons.org


    –Dene Grigar

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