Executive Committee:

Megan Peiser, Jan. 2023
Laura E. Helton, Jan. 2024 (Chair)
Emily Kader, Jan. 2025 (Secretary)
Marissa Nicosia, Jan 2026
Nora Benedict, Jan. 2027

Nominations for Bibliography and Scholarly Editing Forum Exec Committee

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  • #1032080

    Laura Helton

    Dear colleagues,

    The Bibliography & Scholarly Editing Forum is seeking self-nominations for a new member of the forum’s executive committee, to serve a five-year term starting in January 2024. The executive committee organizes at least one MLA conference session each year and nominates a representative to the MLA Delegate Assembly. If you’re interested in getting more involved in this work—and/or proposing new directions for the forum—please email Laura Helton (lehelton@udel.edu) or Emily Kader (ekader@email.unc.edu) by January 23rd.

    The time commitment is minimal (one virtual meeting a year + occasional email correspondence), and it’s a good way to meet colleagues and help promote the fields of bibliography and scholarly editing. The new member will be nominated and appointed by the forum’s current executive committee. To be nominated, you must be a member of MLA and not already serving on another forum’s executive committee.

    The current committee (with the convention year that concludes their term): Laura Helton (2024), Emily Kader (2025, Chair 23-24), Marissa Nicosia (2026, Secretary 23-24), Nora Benedict (2027), and Sarah Neville (2028). Please consider joining us!

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