
digital humanities, critical bibliography, history of the book, periodicals, 19th Century American Literature


Ph.D., English Language and Literature, The University of Virginia, 2010
BA, English Language and Literature, The George Washington University, 2004

Blog Posts


    “Word Embedding Models and the Hybridity of Newspaper Genres,” with Avery Blankenship, The American Historical Review 29.1 (March 2024), https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhad493

    “The Ripple Effect of Dataset Reuse: Contextualizing the Data Lifecycle for Machine Learning Dataset and Social Impact,” with Jaihyun Park, Journal of Information Science (27 December 2023), https://doi.org/10.1177/01655515231212977

    “Programmable Type: The Craft of Printing, The Craft of Code,” Teaching the History of the Book, ed. Emily Todd and Matt Pangallo, University of Massachusetts Press (2023)

    “Closing the Loop: Bridging Machine Learning Research and Library Systems,” Library Trends 71:1 (August 2022), https://doi.org/10.1353/lib.2023.0008

    “Material Culture of the Digital,” Handbook of Material Culture Studies, ed. Lu Ann De Cunzo and Catharine Dann Roeber, Cambridge University Press (2022), pre-print available

    “Newspapers and Periodicals as Transitional Media,” American Literature in Transition, 1851-1877, ed. Cody Marrs, Cambridge University Press (2022), pre-print available

    “Speculative Bibliography,” Anglia 138:3 (September 2020), special “Archives” issue, ed. Daniel Stein, available online

    “Teaching Humanistic Data Analysis,” Digital Scholarship, Digital Classrooms: New International Perspectives on Research and Teaching, Gale Cengage (2019), also available open access online

    “Kaleidoscopic Pedagogy: The Idea of a C19 Classroom Laboratory,” with Benjamin Doyle and Elizabeth Hopwood, for Teaching with Digital Humanities: Tools and Methods for Nineteenth Century American Literature, ed. Jennifer Travis and Jessica DeSpain, University of Illinois Press (November 2018)

    “‘Q i-jtb the Raven’: Taking Dirty OCR Seriously,” Book History 20 (2017), available online

    “‘Fugitive Verses’: Poetry, Attribution, and Circulation in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers,” with Abby Mullen, American Periodicals 27.1 (Spring 2017), pre-print available online

    “Special Collections for All: Open, Digital Archives to Public Writing in the Literature Classroom,” in Teaching Literature with Digital Assignments, ed. Tim Hetland, Bedford/St. Martin’s (2017)

    “How Not to Teach Digital Humanities,” Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016, University of Minnesota Press (April 2016), also available online

    “A Larger View of Digital American Studies,” Amerikastudien/American Studies 61.3 (2016), available online

    “What Has the Digital Meant to American Periodicals Scholarship?” American Periodicals 26.1 (Spring 2016), post-print available

    “Reprinting, Circulation, and the Network Author in Antebellum Newspapers,” American Literary History 27.3 (August 2015), pre-print available.

    “Computational Methods for Uncovering Reprinted Texts in Antebellum Newspapers,” with David Smith and Abby Mullen, online in American Literary History 27.3 (August 2015), pre-print available.

    “Viral Textuality in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Newspaper Exchanges,” in Virtual Victorians, ed. Veronica Alfano and Andrew Stauffer, Palgrave MacMillan (May 2015)

    “‘Taken Possession of’: Hawthorne’s ‘Celestial Railroad’ in the Nineteenth Century Evangelical Canon,” Special Issue on “The Literary,” Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ), Summer 2013

    “‘This Flattering Millennium Theory’: Denominationalism Against Millennialism in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Crater,” in Apocalypse and the Millennium in the American Civil War Era, ed. Ben Wright and Zachary W. Dresser, Louisiana State University Press, 2013

    “‘Enslaving You, Body and Soul’: The Uses of Temperance in Uncle Tom’s Cabin and ‘Anti-Tom’ Fiction,” Studies in American Fiction, Spring 2008

    Ryan Cordell

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