Inés Vañó García is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguitics at Framingham State University. Her research focuses on the political history of the teaching of Spanish in the United States during the 20th century. Her dissertation, “Discursos institucionales y manuales de texto de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1912-1944): un estudio de la historia política de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos,” draws from the history of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish, along with key linguistic instruments created by its members, and examines its role in the creation and shaping of a new academic field. Her approach to sociolinguistics delves into how language representations, linguistic and social practices are inscribed within unequal social hierarchies of power. Education
Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics
2021. The Graduate Center (CUNY), New York, USA.
Dissertation title: “Discursos institucionales y manuales de texto de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1912-1944): un estudio de la historia política de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos.” – Advisor: Prof. José del Valle
Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate
2019. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.
M.A. Hispanic Linguistics
March 2018. The Graduate Center (CUNY), NY.
Interdisciplinary Studies
2007 – 2008. Agnes Scott College, GA.
C.A.P. “Capacitación de Aptitud Pedagógica”
2007. University of Alicante (Alicante), Spain.
English Studies (B.A.)
2006. University of Alicante (Alicante), Spain.
(Forthcoming) Vañó García, Inés.
La denominación de un campo de estudio: polémicas terminológico-ideológicas en la prensa de opinión a ambos lados del Atlántico a principios del siglo XX. Circula:
Revista de Ideologías lingüísticas, 20.
Vaño García, Inés. (2023).
A Call for Critical and Open Pedagogies in Spanish Heritage Language Instruction: Students as Knowledge Producer of Open Educational Resources (OERs).
EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages (E-JournALL), 10 (1), 21-38.
Vañó García, Inés. (2022).
Érase una vez la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1917-1944): los inicios de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos.
Revista argentina de historiografía lingüística,
14(1), 53-72. Accessible online:
Vañó García, I., Karlin J., & Michael K. Eds. (December, 2022)
Introduction to Issue Twenty-One: Open Educational Resources.
Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP), 21.
Vañó García, Inés. (2019). “
Spanish Teaching Open Education Resources (OER): Opportunities and Challenges.”
Building Infrastructure at CUNY. The Graduate Center. March 2019 (CUNY).
Book Reviews
Vañó García, Inés. (2021).
Review of Open education and second language learning and teaching: The rise of a new ecology. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 62–65.
Digital Projects Designed & Supervised
Spring 2019.
Linguistic Landscapes: Unpacking language hierarchies. Digital Storytelling Project.
Documenting Communities. Focus Inquiry Group (FIG).
Discovering El Barrio. Spanish for heritage speakers.
Workshops Developed & Lead
Teach@CUNY Summer Institute. Developed three asynchronous workshops. Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative & Creative Assignments
Cultivating Participation & Engagement
A Critical Approach to Non-F2F Language Teaching
2020. “
Reframing the Final Paper: Alternative and Creative Assignments.” Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY. February 11.
2020. “Teaching Social Justice with the CUNY Academic Commons.” Workshop facilitator with Laurie Hurson. John Jay Faculty Development Day. John Jay College, (CUNY). January 23.
2019. “
Questioning our Linguistic Practices.” Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY. November 11.
2019. “
Incorporating Cultural Content in the Language Classroom.” Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Graduate Center, CUNY. March 1.
“Participation & Assessment.” Teaching Linguistics Across CUNY Campuses (TLACC), The Graduate Center, CUNY. March 1.