Gulsah Gocmen Assist. Prof. Dr. Gulsah Gocmen Aksaray University Commons username: @gulsah Twitter handle: evey_gg Following 17 members View ProfileActivitySites 1Following 17Followers 25Groups 1ForumsDocs Academic InterestsCriticismEcocriticismEthicsModernismPlace-based ecocriticismPostmodernism Commons GroupsMLATC Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities Recent Commons Activity joined the group TC Ecocriticism and Environme… deposited The Garip (Strange) Movement:… in the group TM Literary Criticism deposited The Garip (Strange) Movement:… in the group Ecocriticism AboutPlace-based ecocriticism, modernism and postmodernism, environmental ethics Blog Posts KCWorksJournal articleJude the liminal: A catastrophic pursuit? (2017)OtherModernist Resilience at the End of the World(s) (2016)Book sectionThe Garip (Strange) Movement: A Poetic Return to “Naturality” or a Deep Ecological Reappraisal of “Nature”? (2011)