We share effective writing pedagogies, explore what’s worked, refine what’s in-process, and theorize new turns (often from within bigger, more complexly challenging turns). Our focus is on teaching, and our goal is to support teachers, students, and scholars. We hope to be especially valuable as curators, identifying and radiating our sense of how pedagogies are evolving in light of various thrilling and provocative language trends, phenomena, and events.
Tara Coleman started the topic Seeking Nominations for the RCWS Writing Pedagogies Form Committee in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 11 months ago
The RCWS Writing Pedagogies Forum requests nominations for a new Executive Committee member! We’re seeking passionate individuals with a dedication to writing pedagogies to contribute to our community. Being on the committee allows you to participate in organizing guaranteed sessions for the MLA convention each January and generally engage in…[Read more]
Sujata Iyengar deposited ‘It was the best butter’: Choosing the Right Journal for Your Work in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 2 years ago
Series of Powerpoint slides. Background on the limited time of faculty at “the 99%” of institutions (Francisco and O’Dair) to conduct research and thus the importance of not wasting that labor by choosing inappropriate venues. Overview of types of journal, and suggestions for using reflection prompts, the MLA directory of Periodicals, and a…[Read more]
Rebecca Davis deposited Oops Token Example in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 2 years, 11 months ago
Example of how to set up a policy of Oops Tokens to build flexibility into attendance policies. This idea comes from the book Specifications Grading by Linda Nilson via Flower Darby’s book Small Teaching Online.
Sujata Iyengar deposited “Decolonizing” Milton and Spenser through Diasporic Interpreters in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 3 years, 6 months ago
Describes and provides examples of modules and assignments for a sophomore Brit Lit survey and an upper-division poetics class that responded to student demands for a more racially diverse canon. Includes a brief discussion of Lucius Henry Holsey, enslaved worker on the UGA campus, who claimed to have learned to read from Milton’s Paradise Lost…[Read more]
Sujata Iyengar deposited Some Practices for Publishing the Precariat in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 3 years, 9 months ago
In this paper, in a panel co-sponsored by the MLA Committee on Contingent Labor in the Profession and the Council of Editors of Learned Journals, I summarize some of the structural and practical problems that challenge contingent scholars when they try to publish their work in scholarly journals. I share the record of the online, multimedia,…[Read more]
Anne Donlon replied to the topic Invitation to join a new Commons group on teaching remotely in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 3 years, 11 months ago
Apologies for the additional message. For some reason, the link broke in my original post. Here is the correct link: https://mla.hcommons.org/groups/teaching-remotely/.
Michael A. Burke deposited “Double the Fun: Implementing “Multiple Measures” and Accelerated Learning Program Simultaneously” in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 4 years ago
This discusses the multi-year process of implementing co-requisite composition courses and establishing a multiple measures placement mechanism to determine which students need what kinds of developmental course work, if any. The end result was an increase in course pass rates and an increase in retention.
Hilary Sarat-St. Peter started the topic Candidate for Election to RCWS Pedagogies Forum in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 4 years, 2 months ago
As I have been nominated to run for the election for the RCWS pedagogies forum executive committee, I would like to introduce myself via this forum.
I’m an associate professor of professional/technical writing in the department of English and Creative Writing at Columbia College Chicago, the largest nonprofit arts college in the US. Much of my o…[Read more]
Alex Mueller deposited The Places of Writing on the Multimodal Page in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 4 years, 3 months ago
Prior to the advent of the printing press, the page—the medieval manuscript page—was often complexly multimodal, containing elaborate scripts, rubrications, and illuminations; the medieval page was a multimedia experience for its community of readers, viewers, and listeners. Both writing and the page are, and always were, visual: rendered in mul…[Read more]
Kelly Aliano started the topic Looking for Participants for a Roundtable for MLA Conference 2021 in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 5 years ago
I am looking for participants for a roundtable for the 2021 MLA Conference. The description for the session is pasted below. Please reach out to me directly (kel.irene.aliano@gmail.com) with any questions or to submit a proposal.
Putting Writing and Performance in Conversation
This panel welcomes abstracts (max. 300 words) that explore the…[Read more]
Tanja Stampfl started the topic Tenure Track Position in Composition and Rhetoric in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 5 years, 2 months ago
The Department of English at the University of the Incarnate Word invites applications for an Assistant Professor position in Composition and Rhetoric (tenure-track, 4-4 teaching load) beginning August 2020. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in Composition and Rhetoric, specialize in the teaching of Composition, and demonstrate a proven…[Read more]
Kathi Inman Berens deposited Introduction: “What Is Creative Making As Creative Writing?” in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 5 years, 4 months ago
This special issue of the Journal of Creative Writing Studies centers on how creative writing changes when writers actively engage computers as nonhuman collaborators in “creative making.” Using examples from McGurl’s The Program Era, Emily Dickinson, and the crowdsourced “translation” of Melville’s classic into Emoji Dick, Berens suggests th…[Read more]
Sujata Iyengar deposited Focus on “Henry V”: Navigating Digital Text, Performance, and Historical Resources in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 5 years, 6 months ago
“Focus on ‘Henry V'” is a peer-reviewed, multimedia, digital Open Educational Resource co-authored and co-produced by faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates on the innovative digital publishing platform Scalar. Chapters include guides to early printed editions, sources, and performance and cinematic histories of the play, as well as…[Read more]
Nicole B. Wallack started the topic CFP: Deadline extended to July 31, 2019 — Call for Proposed Chapters: The Edinburgh Companion to the Essay in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies via email on MLA Commons 5 years, 7 months ago
Call for Proposed Chapters: The Edinburgh Companion to the Essay [Extended Deadline]
The Edinburgh Companion to the Essay provides an overview of the theories, histories, contexts and forms of the essay as well as of current debates around the genre and its extensions. The co-editors seek brief (300-word) proposals for chapters that…[Read more]
Stefan Vogel started the topic Study participation request in the discussion RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 5 years, 10 months ago
Dear RCWS Writing Pedagogies members,
My name is Stefan Vogel. I am a PhD student in the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Program at the University of Arizona, and I would like to invite you to participate in my dissertation research. In my dissertation project, I focus on the professional development of L2 writing instructors in higher…[Read more]
Patrick Williams deposited The Machine Stops: Critical Orientations to Our Information Apparatus in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 5 years, 11 months ago
This chapter details a credit-based orientation & information literacy course taught with local archival and special collections materials.
Jason Helms deposited The Invisibility of Digital Labor (slides) in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 6 years ago
Digital scholarship, particularly with digital monographs, requires a great deal of work that traditional scholarship does not. The presenter has authored a digital monograph (published 2017) and written and co-written web texts on the methodologies of digital scholarship and critical making (both currently under review). While digital tools can…[Read more]
Jason Helms deposited The Invisibility of Digital Labor in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 6 years ago
Digital scholarship, particularly with digital monographs, requires a great deal of work that traditional scholarship does not. The presenter has authored a digital monograph (published 2017) and written and co-written web texts on the methodologies of digital scholarship and critical making (both currently under review). While digital tools can…[Read more]
Jason Helms deposited The High Cost of Love: Passive Exploitation of Labor in DH and DM Courses (slides) in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 6 years ago
One of the most salient aspects of DH projects is that they are fun to create. DH scholars love to make amazing new tools that solve tangible problems. This makes teaching DH a joy: students work harder on DH assignments because the assignments demand and reward their attention. When work is fun, it doesn’t feel like work. Rather than being a…[Read more]
Jason Helms deposited The High Cost of Love: Passive Exploitation of Labor in DH and DM Courses in the group RCWS Writing Pedagogies on MLA Commons 6 years ago
One of the most salient aspects of DH projects is that they are fun to create. DH scholars love to make amazing new tools that solve tangible problems. This makes teaching DH a joy: students work harder on DH assignments because the assignments demand and reward their attention. When work is fun, it doesn’t feel like work. Rather than being a…[Read more]
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