Teaching as a Profession is one of only three forums classified as “HEP,” or Higher Education and the Profession. The focus of our forum is on the intersection of criticality and classroom practice as it informs pedagogy across fields and approaches. We invite diverse voices to engage in these conversations, both during our convention panels and here on the Commons. The work that this forum does to examine, address, and engage with the issues that educators face today is essential to both the MLA and the scholarly community at large.

Membership Suggestions for 2025 Forum Delegate Election 

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  • #1039142

    Leigh A. Neithardt


    The next election for this forum’s Delegate Assembly representative will be held in the fall of 2025, and the forum’s executive committee will take up the matter of nominations for this election when it meets in January 2025. Though the executive committee is responsible for making nominations, it is required to nominate at least one candidate who has been suggested by the forum’s membership (unless there are too few suggestions). I write to encourage you to submit your suggestions for the forum’s assembly representative.

    Please go to https://governance.mla.hcommons.org for additional information about this election and Delegate Assembly service. If you would like to suggest yourself or another forum member for nomination, please send the following information by email (governance@mla.org) or by private message here on the Commons ( @lneithardt): your name or the name of the member suggested; affiliation, department, and rank, if any; and a brief statement (100–200 words) of qualifications. The deadline for receipt of suggestions to me is 31 December 2024. After that date, please contact the committee chair.

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