This is the discussion area for the HEP Part-Time and Contingent Faculty Issues forum. Please feel free to join, post calls for papers, new initiatives for Part-time Faculty activism, and questions about contingency and pedagogy to the group!

Executive Committee:

Maria Maisto, Past Chair Jan. 2017
Lee Skallerup Bessette, Chair, Jan. 2018
Virginia Cooper, Secretary, Jan. 2019
Maria Grewe, Jan 2020
Robin Sowards, Jan 2021

Study participation request

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  • #1020433

    Stefan M. Vogel

    Dear HEP Part-Time and Contingent Faculty Issues members,

    My name is Stefan Vogel. I am a PhD student in the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Program at the University of Arizona, and I would like to invite you to participate in my dissertation research. In my dissertation project, I focus on the professional development of L2 writing instructors in higher education in the United States and Canada, particularly in collaborative settings, their involvement in the decision-making and administrative processes in their institutional contexts, as well as their leadership practices and views of leadership.

    I am interested in the experiences of both instructors who teach or have taught second language writing as well as administrators in L2 writing contexts. Please note: “L2 writing contexts” is understood broadly as any context in which L2 writing is taught in some form (e.g., writing courses in IEPs, ESL writing courses in U.S. first-year writing, individual support for ESL writers in a writing center). There are two surveys, one for each group. Completing the survey should take 10-30 minutes, depending on how much you are willing to write.

    As a token of appreciation, five $10 Amazon gift cards will be raffled among all participants who enter their e-mail address on an external page linked at the end of the survey. Please note that this is five gift cards per survey, not in total. Additionally, L2 writing teachers may indicate at the end of the survey if they are interested in participating in more in-depth case studies. Compensation in the amount of up to $150 in Amazon gift cards will be offered. More information is available in the survey.If you are interested in participating, please complete the survey below which applies to your current professional role. If you have experience as both second language writing teacher and program administrator in L2 writing contexts, please fill out the survey for the role that occupies most of your time and/or you identify more strongly with.

    • The teacher questionnaire is for you if you predominantly teach, have some administrative responsibilities beside teaching (such as committee work, department meetings, faculty supervision, graduate assistant director, or professional development position), or have a 50/50 split between teaching and admin.
    • The administrator questionnaire is for you if you predominantly perform administrative work, perhaps teach a course every now and then as part of your administrator position, or have previous teaching experience but don’t teach in your current position as an administrator. This category includes, but is not limited to, department heads, (assistant/associate) program directors or coordinators, and faculty supervisors.


    Please do not complete both surveys! After clicking on the survey link, you will receive more information about the research and the consent process.

    I would like to thank you for your interest in my study and your support. Both L2 writing teacher professional development and teachers’ leadership practices and views of leadership are, while central to the success of our students, institutions, and ourselves as professionals, widely under-researched. I am excited to learn about your insights!

    All the best,

    Stefan Vogel

    The study has been reviewed by the University of Arizona’s local IRB board and been found to comply with all guidelines for acceptable and ethical research.

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