Executive Committee Members
Carmen Lamas, Jan. 2022
Elena Machado Sáez, Jan. 2023 (2021–Jan. 2022 Ch.)
Marion Christina Rohrleitner, Jan. 2024 (2021–Jan. 2022 Sec.)
Joshua Javier Gúzman, Jan. 2025
Alberto Varon, Jan. 2026
Forum’s Delegate Representative to the MLA Delegate Assembly:
Maritza Cárdenas; 2019-2022
But what, exactly, is an MLA forum supposed to do?
MLA forums—formerly divisions and discussion groups—encompass the scholarly and professional concerns of the association. They promote scholarly and professional activities within their areas of concern. More specifically, we organize sessions at the MLA by generating CFP’s and, often in conjunction with other forums, host a cash bar receptions.
Each forum is governed by an elected executive committee whose five members serve terms of five convention years. A convention year begins after the close of one convention and continues through the close of the next; it is named for the convention that concludes the year.
You may reach any one of the executive committee members at any time via MLACommons.
(With thanks to the Chicana and Chicano Forum for useful description of the Forum’s work.)

Nominations Welcome for Executive Committee of “LLC Latina and Latino” Forum

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    Elena Machado Sáez

    The MLA has just announced a new process for appointments to the executive committee which now allows us to “solicit suggestions directly from the forums’ members in the forums’ MLA Commons groups.”

    The executive committee appoints one new member to the executive committee every year. We welcome recommendations of colleagues as well as self-nominations for the open position.

    Please email the chair of the LLC Latina and Latino, Elena Machado Sáez (e.machado@bucknell.edu), with your nominations by 5pm tomorrow, Friday, January 7th. This deadline will allow the executive committee to discuss all member nominations during our meeting on Friday evening.

    Our appointment of the new member will be guided by the MLA’s request that the executive committee “strive to ensure diversity of many sorts on the forum executive committees.” The MLA also stipulates that candidates must meet the following criteria to be appointed:

    • Must be an MLA member: If  candidate isn’t currently, the appointee can join or renew and then be eligible.
    • Cannot already be serving on another forum executive committee, unless their term ends in January of 2022.
    • Cannot have served on the executive committee to which they are being appointed after 2015.


    We look forward to receiving your nominations by 5pm this Friday!



    Elena Machado Sáez (Jan. 2021–Jan. 2022 Chair)

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