Executive Committee Members
Carmen Lamas, Jan. 2022
Elena Machado Sáez, Jan. 2023 (2021–Jan. 2022 Ch.)
Marion Christina Rohrleitner, Jan. 2024 (2021–Jan. 2022 Sec.)
Joshua Javier Gúzman, Jan. 2025
Alberto Varon, Jan. 2026
Forum’s Delegate Representative to the MLA Delegate Assembly:
Maritza Cárdenas; 2019-2022
But what, exactly, is an MLA forum supposed to do?
MLA forums—formerly divisions and discussion groups—encompass the scholarly and professional concerns of the association. They promote scholarly and professional activities within their areas of concern. More specifically, we organize sessions at the MLA by generating CFP’s and, often in conjunction with other forums, host a cash bar receptions.
Each forum is governed by an elected executive committee whose five members serve terms of five convention years. A convention year begins after the close of one convention and continues through the close of the next; it is named for the convention that concludes the year.
You may reach any one of the executive committee members at any time via MLACommons.
(With thanks to the Chicana and Chicano Forum for useful description of the Forum’s work.)

Call for Applications: Bucknell English MA Program

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    Elena Machado Sáez

    Do you have any undergraduates who are interested in pursuing graduate studies but perhaps not ready to enter a PhD program yet?


    I’m hoping that you’ll consider advising them to apply to Bucknell’s MA in English program. Admission comes with two years of tuition remission and an approximately $12,000 stipend.


    The MA program features one-on-one mentoring and admits, at most, five students each year. It has a great placement record with recent MA graduates going on to PhD programs at Harvard, Duke, NYU, Maryland, Fordham, Michigan, U Florida, Temple, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Indiana.


    Our English department faculty have a broad range of specializations, from Medieval and Renaissance to 21st Century Literature, including American, British, and Postcolonial Literatures. Our research and teaching incorporate numerous theoretical approaches, for example, ecocriticism, gender and sexuality studies, Caribbean studies, American critical race and ethnic studies (including Latinx, Asian American, and African American) as well as analyze a variety literary genres, for example, children’s literature, poetry, theater, graphic novels, fantasy, and science fiction.


    Students within the program are able to choose from a variety of research assistant positions (working with faculty who are embarking on new research projects) and teaching assistant positions (paired with faculty on one course and focusing on supporting the undergraduates with their coursework readings and assignments). Students are also able to explore alternative careers through graduate assistant positions available in the Griot Institute for the Study of Black Lives and Cultures, the Writing Center, Library Research Center, and Bucknell University Press.


    Graduate applications to our English MA Program were due by Feb 1, but we are still accepting applications.


    Application materials include a personal statement, academic writing sample (10-15 pages), transcripts, and letters of recommendation. GREs are optional. (The two-page single-spaced personal statement should address the following questions: What areas of literary study are you interested in and/or want to learn more about? Who are the faculty you would like to study with? What are your career goals and how will our MA program help you achieve them? What experience and skills will you bring to our program?)


    Here’s more application info:


    Please feel free to get in touch with me if you or your students have any questions.

    Thanks for your time and generosity in reviewing this call for applications!




    Elena Machado Sáez

    Professor of English, Bucknell University


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