Leigh A. Neithardt started the topic Membership Suggestions for 2025 Forum Delegate Election in the forum LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 1 month, 2 weeks ago
The next election for this forum’s Delegate Assembly representative will be held in the fall of 2025, and the forum’s executive committee will take up the matter of nominations for this election when it meets in January 2025. Though the executive committee is responsible for making nominations, it is required to nominate at least one can…[Read more]
Jason Frydman deposited Peter Abrahams of South Africa: Learning to Read (in) the Global 1930s in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 3 years, 11 months ago
Born poor, the material and ideological networks that propelled Peter Abrahams to literacy in 1930s South Africa lay bare how white liberalism, Pan-Africanism, and Marxism all overlapped as well as contradicted one another in the global 1930s. The confluences and contradictions of these currents of thought, artistic production, and political…[Read more]
Shane Graham started the topic CFP: Langston Hughes Review Special Issue—”‘The Negro Speaks of Rivers’ at 100″ in the discussion LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 5 years, 2 months ago
Langston Hughes Review
Guest Editor: Shane Graham
Expected Publication: May 2021
In June 1921, Crisis published Langston Hughes’ first adult poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.” In many ways it contained the blueprint for the poet’s entire subsequent career, and established many of his key themes: black pride and self-assertion; the validat…[Read more] -
Jason Frydman deposited Scheherezade in Chains: Arab-Islamic Genealogies of African Diasporic Literature in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 5 years, 3 months ago
Drawing on Arabic textual traditions and foregrounding the liminal time and space of administrative detention, of the expired visa, of deportation, and of repatriation, Muslim slave narratives deserve recognition as generative forebears of transnational, multicultural literature in both England and the United States. Yet these forebears were…[Read more]
Louise Bethlehem deposited Stenographic fictions: Mary Benson’s At the Still Point and the South African political trial in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 5 years, 8 months ago
From the mid-1960s onward, compilations of the speeches and trial addresses of South African opponents of apartheid focused attention on the apartheid regime despite intensified repression in the wake of the Rivonia Trial. Mary Benson’s novel, At the Still Point, transposes the political trial into fiction. Its “stenographic” codes of repre…[Read more]
Wendy Laura Belcher started the topic Early African Literature in the discussion LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 5 years, 10 months ago
Looking for citations. It is my sense that most of the people who are in the African literature MLA forum are working on African literature from the 1950s through the 2010s. If you conduct research on literature written earlier, pre-1950s, especially African literature from the 1800s or earlier, please let me know. I am a faculty member publishing…[Read more]
Wendy Laura Belcher started the topic Invitation to Serve on the Exec Com of LLC Pre-1990 African Literature Forum in the discussion LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 6 years ago
The Executive Committee of the Pre-1990 African Literature Forum is always looking for people willing and able to serve on the committee, as it is a four-year commitment with one person rotating off each year. The main responsibility of committee members is hosting two to four panels on pre-1990 African literature, so the labor is not onerous. It…[Read more]
Wendy Laura Belcher started the topic Invitation to Mentor Members in the discussion LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 6 years ago
Dear colleagues,
The MLA is looking for ways to improve year-round engagement in the forums, and it has identified professional development as a critical area of need for many of our members. If you would be willing to mentor another member of the LLC Pre-1990 African Literature forum, please reply to this post here or email Wendy Belcher at…[Read more] -
Matthew Omelsky deposited The Creaturely Modernism of Amos Tutuola in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 6 years, 1 month ago
This article examines the global African modernism of Amos Tutuola through the lens of his nonhuman folkloric creatures. Though the work of the early Nigerian novelist is often characterized as modernism’s inversion, or “traditional,” Tutuola in fact articulates a succession of surreal monsters in The Palm Wine Drinkard (1952) and My Life in the B…[Read more]
Nienke Boer deposited Exploring British India: South African prisoners of war as imperial travel writers, 1899–1902 in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 6 years, 3 months ago
During the second South African War (1899–1902), also known as the Anglo-Boer War, the British
War Office supervised the transportation of approximately 24,000 South African prisoners of
war to Bermuda, St. Helena, and British India. Examining previously unstudied memoirs published
immediately following the war by war prisoners held in camps i…[Read more] -
Louise Bethlehem deposited Restless Itineraries in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 6 years, 3 months ago
This article sets the itineracy of antiapartheid expressive culture to work in relation to exiled South African jazz singer Miriam Makeba. It revisits accounts of transnational cultural circulation on the part of Rob Nixon, Paul Gilroy, and others to argue that the diffusion of South African cultural formations outward from South Africa offers…[Read more]
Carol Zuses started the topic Membership Suggestions for 2019 Forum Delegate Election in the discussion African Literatures on MLA Commons 6 years, 4 months ago
The next election for this forum’s Delegate Assembly representative will be held in the fall of 2019, and the forum’s executive committee will take up the matter of nominations for this election when it meets during the January 2019 convention in Chicago. Though the executive committee is responsible for making nominations, it is required to nom…[Read more]
Adewale Bankole Ajayi deposited Ritualization as pragmatic deployment of revolutionary consciousness in the drama of Femi Osofisan in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 7 years, 1 month ago
Early works of dramatic criticism seeking to draw parallels between ritual and drama in Africa concentrated on examining the dramatic characteristics of ritual to see how drama evolved from ritual. However, a closer application of the theories of Girard, Schechner, Smith, Hubert Mauss and Turner reveal new perspectives on the interaction between…[Read more]
Kanika Batra deposited Worlding Sexualities under Apartheid: From Gay Liberation to a Queer Afropolitanism in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 7 years, 8 months ago
Examining gay journalism as gay liberation literature, this essay forwards a cultural history of sexuality informed by comparative urban and queer studies. My main argument is that gay liberation literature under apartheid lags behind important shifts in sexual activism; and my larger aim is to extend the valences of postcolonial queer studies…[Read more]
John Charles Hawley uploaded the file: CFP: Queer Theory in African Film and Fiction to LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 7 years, 11 months ago
How are African literatures and cultures mediating globalizing frameworks for gender and sexuality and shifting understandings of “queer”? From Woubi Cheri and Dakan, to Stories of Our Lives, African film has begun this conversation. From K. Sello Duiker, to Chinelo Okparanta and Diriye Osman, new voices have invited national debates on these top…[Read more]
Wendy Laura Belcher started the topic CFP (Conference): MLA 2018: Institutional Histories of African Literature panel in the discussion African Literatures on MLA Commons 7 years, 11 months ago
<p style=”line-height: 19.8pt;”><span style=”font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: ‘Arial’,sans-serif; color: #424242;”>The pre-1990 African literature forum of the Modern language Association is preparing to host a panel at the next MLA conference, in New York<span class=”apple-converted-space”> </span>on 4–7 January 2018.<span cla…[Read more]
Patrick Herald deposited Eng 260/AAS 264 – Introduction to Black Writers: Global Black Fiction in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 8 years, 7 months ago
This course focuses on developing skills of close reading and literary analysis, both in class discussion and in assignments, through the study of major black writers. This section will be a study of global black literature—novels, drama, and poetry—written in English from the twentieth century to the present. We will consider how major aut…[Read more]
James Gifford deposited ENGL 3384: Postcolonial Literature in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 8 years, 7 months ago
Selected works from the literatures of former European colonies: African, Indian, Caribbean, Australian, Canadian, Latin American, etc. Colonialism waned in the 1940s through 60s amidst decolonization movements, yet globalization flourished in often unnoticed, hegemonic pathways. Considering cultural products of this moment leads us to ask what…[Read more]
Tsitsi Jaji started the topic CFP: The Performance of Pan-Africanism (Conference on Cultural Festivals) in the discussion African Literatures on MLA Commons 9 years ago
The Performance of Pan-Africanism:
from Colonial Exhibitions to Black and African Cultural Festivals
International Conference
20-22 October, 2016
Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, Florida State University
Keynote speakers: Andrew Apter (UCLA), Cheryl Finley (Cornell University), Souleymane B…[Read more]
James Gifford deposited “Per omnia saecula saeculorum” or “Inkaba yakho iphi?”: Indigeneity in Alex La Guma and Aidan Higgins in the group LLC African to 1990 on MLA Commons 9 years, 3 months ago
This article argues for an overlapping notion of indigeneity in Alex La Guma’s In the Fog of the Seasons’ End and Aidan Higgins’ Langrishe, Go Down articulated using critical Aboriginal Studies while exploring the materialist emergence of identity. The key tension, then, is not between both authors’ progressive politics nor the real differences b…[Read more]
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