Honoring Emilia Pardo Bazán: An International Campaign

12 replies, 13 voices Last updated by Linda M. Willem 3 years, 11 months ago
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  • #1026355

    Catherine Marie Jaffe

    Dear colleagues,

    I take the liberty to ask, on behalf of a group of historians, literary scholars and Spanish citizens, your support for this initiative to set up a museum in the memory of Emilia Pardo Bazán. Those who want to support it, please send your names and affiliations as soon as possible. The fate of the building will be decided in the next weeks. Feel free to circulate among fellow scholars and lovers of Spanish culture and society, of women’s writing, and of literature and history worldwide.

    Many thanks in advance and best wishes,

    Mónica Bolufer

    Universitat de València


    Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) was the most acclaimed Spanish woman writer, with wide international and transatlantic projection, and one of the best writers of the Spanish nineteenth century. As some of you might know, the Pazo de Meirás has been recently recovered for public use by the Spanish government after a legal fight with Franco’s family, which had occupied it for decades. The Pazo (countryhouse) was home of Emilia Pardo Bazán’s family. She spent there her most appreciated leisure time and wrote many of her most famous novels, essays, short stories and plays. She designed the building, rebuilt the old farm of her family in its present configuration, and the remaining part of her personal library (a portion of it burnt down) is still kept there.
    It is therefore a maison d’artiste in the style of George Sand’s Nohant, one of the few remaining women writers’ houses in Europe.
    Discussions about which public use should it be put for are going on. Several historians and literary scholars are promoting that it should be dedicated to the memory of Pardo Bazán. Support from international scholars is vital for the success of this campaign.

    If you’d like to support this demand, please send your name and academic affiliation to Mónica Bolufer (monica.bolufer@uv.es)

    Prof. Mónica Bolufer Peruga
    Principal Investigator,
    CIRGEN: Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment. Ideas, Networks, Agencies (ERC Advanced Grant 2017-787015)
    Twitter @cirgen1

    Departament d’Història Moderna i Contemporània/Institut Universitari d’Estudis de la Dona
    Universitat de València-Facultat de Geografia i Història
    Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 28
    46010 València (SPAIN)
    (34) 96 398 35 47/ (34) 96 386 42 45


    Rebecca Haidt

    Please do include my name and affiliation in support: Rebecca Haidt, Ohio State University


    Francisca González-Arias

    I fully support efforts to celebrate Emilia Pardo Bazán’s life and work by facilitating entry into the Pazo de Meirás.

    I would like to point out that A Casa-Museo Emilia Pardo Bazán already exists in A Coruña, on the site of Pardo Bazán’s residence. Ideally, the Pazo de Meirás will add to and enhance the holdings in the Casa-Museo.



    Joyce Tolliver

    I certainly support this initiative.

    Joyce Tolliver
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Program in Translation & Interpreting Studies
    Associate Professor, Spanish
    Affiliate in EU Studies, Gender & Women’s Studies, and Translation & Interpreting Studies
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    4080 FLB | M/C 168
    Urbana, IL 61801
    217.244.6508 | joycet@illinois.edu<mailto:joycet@illinois.edu>


    From: Rebecca Haidt <noreply@hcommons.org>
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    Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 12:16 PM
    To: “Tolliver, Joyce L” <joycet@illinois.edu>
    Subject: [MLA Commons] re: Honoring Emilia Pardo Bazán: An International Campaign (LLC 18th- and 19th-Century…)

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    Carmen Pereira-Muro

    Dear all,

    I support this a 100%.

    I hope everybody is doing well,


    From: Joyce Tolliver <noreply@hcommons.org>
    Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 1:25 PM
    To: Pereira, Carmen <Carmen.Pereira@ttu.edu>
    Subject: [MLA Commons] re: Honoring Emilia Pardo Bazán: An International Campaign (LLC 18th- and 19th-Century…)

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    Patricia Ramsay

    I also wholeheartedly support this.

    Patrícia Ramsay
    Victoria University of Wellington
    New Zealand

    > On 11/02/2021, at 9:10 AM, Carmen Pereira-Muro <noreply@hcommons.org> wrote:


    Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo

    I support this initiative.

    Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo
    Oakland University



    Please, add my name to it.

    Isaac García Guerrero

    Virginia Military Institute


    Louise E. Ciallella

    I wholeheartedly support this initiative.  Saludos a todos, y uno especial a mi amiga Carmen Pereira.  Louise Ciallella, Northern Illinois University.


    Diana Castilleja

    I fully support this initiative.

    Diana Castilleja

    Vrije Universiteit Brussel


    Paula A. Sprague

    Please add my support to this important initiative!!

    Stay well, everyone.

    Paula Sprague

    Univ. of Virginia


    Megan Cytron

    Thank you for this wonderful initiative, which I wholeheartedly support.

    Megan Cytron
    Universidad Complutense
    Doctoral Student


    Linda M. Willem

    I strongly support this initiative.


    Linda M. Willem

    Butler University

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