Rocío Quispe Agnoli deposited “From Science Fiction to Futurism in Peruvian Literature” in the group LLC Colonial Latin American on MLA Commons 11 months, 4 weeks ago
Introduction to the bilingual anthology “Qhipa Pacha. Peruvian Futurism” and preliminary study about the origins and development of the science fiction genre in Peruvian letters since the 19th century. The anthology includes 14 short stories written by contemporary Peruvian and Peruvian-based authors, members of the Qhipa Pacha Collective. These stories anticipate alternative futures to those offered in classic foreign science fiction, and their works articulate what I call “Peruvian futurism” (which aligns with Afrofuturism, Indigenous Futurism, and African Futurism, among others, developed since the late 20th century. Published by Pandemonium Editorial (Lima, Peru), eBook 2023 (paperback forthcoming in 2024). Ebook available in Amazon Kindle/web/app: https://a.co/d/7rPa4rS